Monday, December 30, 2019
Media In The Socialization Essay - 1778 Words
Media, in general, is a term of transmitting information. In other words, media symbolizes items which have a specific design to reach wide audiences or viewers. The term of media was first used with the appearance of newspapers and magazines. Now, due to the evolution of technology, it has expanded its meaning to television, radio, and more importantly, the Internet. Undoubtedly, media plays an essential role in the development of our society. It allows people to obtain knowledge, and it is also necessary for the education as well. As a result, even though many people may argue that the media has never played an important role in the socialization process, in fact, media plays a significant role in the socialization process as much as†¦show more content†¦Obviously, many parents have complained and struggled with a shopping addiction, especially families in America. Hence, teenagers and young adults have become the most desirable target audience of media. In short, nowadays , media have a strong and deep impact not only on an individual but also a whole society. Also, because teenagers and young adults seem to be the most valuable customer, they are now being the main target of the media. Nowadays, media has become the most powerful tool for any organization to reach its audience and viewers. Thus, there is a vast potential of influencing people. Because the term of media is very complex, and it contains a huge class of information which has not been selected carefully, people’s mind about surrounding can be intervened and compromised. According to Jang, â€Å"When participants’ cognitive ability was distracted by multitasking, they did not exercise any selectivity in choosing information†(684). Clearly, advertisers have taken this advantage of media wisely to persuade their consumers. They portray their products in an appealing light, even the product is not beneficial to consumers. The tobacco industry, for instance, has spent d ecades to convince people that tobacco is sophisticated and desirable, even though it is a slow and malignant poison. Consequently, because of a large number of people access to media and a complexity of an information, media can be aShow MoreRelatedSocialization - Gender Messages in the Mass Media Essay975 Words  | 4 PagesSocialization - Gender Messages in the Mass Media How Images on Television/Movies reinforce society’s expectations of gender. The most powerful form of mass media that we enjoy in America is the television. What we see on our T.V.’s can have very deep and profound effects on our beliefs, our life-styles and our needs and behaviors. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019
The North American Free Trade Agreement Essay - 2240 Words
NAFTA Help or Hindrance? Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement that lowers the trade restrictions between the neighbouring countries of the United States which include Canada and Mexico. It was signed by President George Bush on December 17th, 1992 and approved on November 20th, 1993 by the Congress and signed by President Clinton on December 8th, 1993. It came into effect on 1st January 1994 (Villarreal Fergusson, 2015). NAFTA is a practice of free trade and investment agreement signed with the aim to provide investors with opportunities designed to encourage foreign direct investments especially from the United States to both Canada and Mexico (Scott, 2003). The agreement had numerous supporters as well the critics. The critics felt that the openness of trade voiced various concerns which primarily focused the impact on the US labour markets. Other concerns were related to trade liberalisation and in Mexican liberalisation and immigration of unskilled labour to the United States. There was a fear that as the anticipated expansion of trade of grain exports from the US to Mexico under NAFTA would collapse the Mexican rural labour market which in turn would lead to migration of unskilled workers to the US. The supporters, on the other hand, felt that trade liberalisation would help the country gain regarding increased trade base on comparative advantage. The cheap imports from Mexico would help both the companies in purchasing ofShow MoreRelatedNorth American Free Trade Agreement Essay1398 Words  | 6 Pages North American Free Trade Agreement During the most recent race for the White House we heard very little of substance from both parties, but one thing both parties seem to agree on is that free trade has been bad for the U.S. worker. One candidate proclaimed that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has cost the United States hundreds of thousands of jobs and another distanced herself from free trade agreements all together. It has been over twenty years since the implementation ofRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1711 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper will discuss four components of the North American Free Trade Agreement: Background, events, pros and cons. Upon the research, you will discover four online articles to provide more detail and examples. This research will indicate how it was developed and the reasoning on why it would benefit the nation. Also, it will provide events that occur after the agreement was signed by congress and the recession the countries experience during the e arly 2000s. There will be a chart locatedRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pagessubstance from both parties, but one thing both parties seem to agree on is that free trade has been bad for the U.S. worker. One candidate proclaimed that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has cost the United States hundreds of thousands of jobs and another distanced herself from free trade agreements all together. It has been over twenty years since the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement and many have criticized it as a bad deal for the U.S. It can be shown thatRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1036 Words  | 5 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement also referred to as NAFTA produced results on January 1, 1994. A trade agreement was made between each of the three of nations of North America. The United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, the Mexican Presiden t, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and previous U.S. President George H. Shrub initiated the agreement. Connections between the nations were at that point on great terms, particularly between The United States and CanadaRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1863 Words  | 8 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is an accordance between the United States, Mexico, and Canada that was put into effect in January 1994. This agreement was unprecedented because it integrated three countries that were at extremely different levels of economic development. It changed the economic relationship between North American countries and encouraged trade and investment among the three countries to grow considerably. The purpose of the creation of the North American FreeRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement negotiated by three countries; Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The main purpose of NAFTA is essentially to reduce trade barriers in order to promote international commerce, and open up different industries to trade, in particular textiles, agriculture, and automobile sectors. The introduction of NAFTA completely transformed North American economic relations and led to unparalleled cooperation between the U.S. Canada and MexicoRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1486 Words  | 6 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), an agreement signed by three countries in creating rules in trade in North America. NAFTA, when being presented, was described as genuine for helping Mexico and Canada. But was NAFTA really helpings those counties or really just helping N orth America? Initially North America was being genuine about NAFTA when talking to Mexico and Canada but in reality the NAFTA caused some uneven development as the years went by. I have two stories thatRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1804 Words  | 8 Pagesunderstanding the elements of trade blocs that enable open markets between member nations while also decreasing the cost of conducting business within a country is essential in making strategic logistical decisions. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has provided one such trade bloc that encompasses the countries of the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Since the inception of NAFTA in 1994, significant financial results have been achieved regarding increases in trade revenue and increases inRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1018 Words  | 5 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement, known as NAFTA, is a trilateral trade agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Signed January 1, 1994, NAFTA’s main purpose was to reduce trading costs, increase business investments, and help the United States be more competitive in the g lobal marketplace. The agreement would eliminate all tariffs on half of all U.S. goods shipping to Mexico and introduce new regulations to encourage cross-border investments. According to President Bush, tradeRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement920 Words  | 4 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NATFA) shoved the American worker down a flight of stairs in the name of Globalization NAFTA or a bill similar had been floating around Washington since 1979 a year before Reagan took office. NAFTA truly went no where for over a decade. The â€Å"North American Accord†was first proposed by the Reagan and the GOP were always in favor of passage but, it was the Progressive wing, along with many other pro-union members in the Democratic party who held NAFTA at
Friday, December 13, 2019
Ethics of Observation Free Essays
Uses of Observation within a work environment: †¢Identifies stages of development †¢Identifies level of ability †¢Use observations to plan activities †¢Monitors changes in behaviour †¢Use to report suspected abuse/neglect †¢Psychological evidence Why is observation important? By observing children within a work environment, we are able to learn their interests and dislikes. As teachers, it’s important for us to know the children we work with as deeply as we can, so we can relate to them and get in touch with their personalities. Once we have had the chance to observe children, we are able to plan activities and lessons according to individual learning styles and the children’s attitudes towards learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics of Observation or any similar topic only for you Order Now By doing this, we are able to make their first years within a learning environment proceed to their best potential. Read on to learn about Ethical Issues Ethical Issues Before carrying out an observation on any child, make sure you have received permission from the parents of the child, your supervisor and depending on the age of the child, the child herself/himself. Here is a list of Ethical Issues concerning observations Anonymity is important because all of your observations as a teacher should be kept confidential. If anyone who isn’t supposed to read your observations does happen to find them, you need to take careful measures to ensure that only you will be able to make sense of them. You will need to change the names of all children involved in your observation (Child A, B, C etc.) as well as the school name and the members of staff names (Staff A, B, C etc.). Confidentiality is vital when working with children. You wouldn’t want to let a child’s file fall into the wrong hands. Only certain people are allowed to read your observations, such as your supervisor, the parents of the child if they ask, and the child themselves. You should ensure that your records are kept in a safe place, and treat them in a confidential manner. Objectivity is needed within the observations you make within the working place. You cannot let your personal feelings or thoughts intrude with your observations. You must check that all statements are accurate, supported by evidence and are not discriminatory. Storage of Data is used to ensure that data is kept in a secure place. It makes sure that only authorised people are given access to the records. This ties in with the Data Protection Act 1998. Rights of the parents and child. Each have the right to refuse being observed and to see the observation record. The parents have the right to refuse permission of observation. Accuracy is essential within an observation to ensure that children are not assessed on inaccurate evidence. The evidence recorded must be as true a reflection of the child’s actions as possible. If the record is not as accurate as it could be, we may not take the precautions to meet the needs of the child. Purpose of the observation is needed. The observation you record should not be used in any way to harm the child. Responsibility to record the observation as accurately and as carefully as possible is yours. Conclusions should be fair and supported by reasonable evidence. This ensures that the observation is used to the benefit of the child. How to cite Ethics of Observation, Essays
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Endocrine Gland and Adrenaline free essay sample
Adrenaline is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal medulla, which is in the inner adrenal gland. This gland sits atop the kidney. When put under stress this gland is stimulated by the nervous system and releases adrenaline into the blood stream. The release of adrenaline is a three step process. First, the hypothalamus produces hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland. Next, the pituitary gland then produces corticotropin hormones which are hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands that eventually produce adrenaline. In 1895, George Oliver and Edward Schafer discovered that that when the secretions of adrenal glands were extracted and injected into an experimental animal, they could raise blood pressure. The purification of this principle became a matter of interest, and in 1897, John Abel and Albert Crawford thought that they had succeeded when they purified a crystalline principle they named epinephrine. Adrenaline is used for many different purposes. It is used to control hemorrhages in surgery and to treat asthma and other allergies. We will write a custom essay sample on Endocrine Gland and Adrenaline or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to the MSDS, excessive digestion of adrenaline is fatal. It can also be very irritant to eyes and can be absorbed through skin. Adrenaline can also be used to prevent cardiac arrest. Adrenaline can also be found in some nasal sprays to open up nasal passages. This has a short term effect. Adrenaline is helpful to survive in dangerous situations. If you were pinned down by a boulder, adrenaline would kick in and would help you to move the boulder off of you. This process is natural and you can find your way out of unhappy states. When you are put into a dangerous situation like that, your heart rate is elevated and your blood pressure is elevated. Adrenaline redirects blood to large muscle groups so that you are given more strength and stamina to get out of the dangerous situation.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Presumptions Law and Ouster Clauses Essay Example
Presumptions: Law and Ouster Clauses Paper Presumptions A presumption is a legal notion that allows a judge or jury to assume a certain fact is true if another fact, or set of facts, can be proven by a party to the case. In addition to the rules, specific presumptions may be applied by the courts when faced with uncertain cases. These provide primary principles enforced on the statue to be interpreted. Some presumptions of statutory interpretation are: i)The presumption against ousting the jurisdiction of the courts ii)The presumption that persons should not be penalized except under clear law iii)The presumption toward fairness and justice v)The presumption of constitutionality v)The presumption against changes in the common law vi) The presumption against altering existing rights vii)The presumption against the retroactive operation of statues The presumption against ousting the jurisdiction of the courts Except by the pure and stated words of a statute, the court will presume that the jurisdiction of the courts will not be ousted or avoided. However, case law illustrates ouster clauses that are clearly expressed in legislation. Ouster clauses in English Law by Zoe Kirk-Robinson states that an ouster clause is a provision in a Parliamentary statute which excludes certain actions and decisions from judicial review; in the interests of the smooth administration of justice. Often, where a statute seeks to oust the jurisdiction of the courts, the court will devise ways and means to circumvent the ouster. The presumption that persons should not be penalised except under clear law If words in a strict statute are indistinguishable and there are two rational interpretations, the more lenient one will be applied to an accused. The presumption dictates that there is legal certainty before persons are sanctioned; so as to give those affected by the new law a chance to understand the penalties which may be levied against them. The presumption toward fairness and justice Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine states in Commonwealth Caribbean Law and Legal Systems that â€Å"it is to be presumed that Parliament intends to further the ends of justice. Thus, where there are two conflicting constructions of an enactment, the court will ‘strive to avoid adopting a construction that leads to injustice’†The presumption of constitutionality Parliament is supposed to make laws which are in conformity with the Constitution. The presumption of constitutionality of a statue or provision occurs when two possible interpretations for a statue occur – one favoring while the violating, the one that is in favor of the constitution, is taken as valid. We will write a custom essay sample on Presumptions: Law and Ouster Clauses specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Presumptions: Law and Ouster Clauses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Presumptions: Law and Ouster Clauses specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The provision which is unconstitutional should be avoided and when proved to be unconstitutional, should become void. The presumption against changes in the common law The court will contain the abrogation of the common law in its interpretation of statute to only what is necessary to give effect to the intention of the Act. The presumption against altering existing rights Statute should not be given a construction that would have the effect of encroaching existing rights. Such statutes that have that effect are to be interpreted strictly and preserving those rights. The presumption against the retroactive operation of statues It is presumed that Parliament does not intend to alter the law applicable to past events, so as to change the rights and obligations of the parties in a manner which is unfair to them because reaching into the past and declaring the law to be different from what it was violates the rule of law. Thus, its rationale is to prevent the harsh and chaotic operations of law.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
life balance in todays gig economy
Maintaining a healthy work/life balance in todays gig economy Working in the gig economy can make taking time off difficult. Use these tips to understand how to take time off and avoid burning yourself out! It’s an all too common problem in the gig economy. Fresh-faced freelancers and entrepreneurs, eager to pull in as much cash as possible, overpromise and overcommit. They set expectations for themselves that are impossible to achieve, and work inhumanly-long hours.It’s inherently unsustainable, and I’ve lost count of the number of freelancers and contractors I’ve seen plunge headlong into burnout.In a world where more and more people are choosing the path of self-employment, maintaining a healthy work/life balance has never been more difficult. It’s also never been more important. There are no laws preventing a freelancer from overworking themselves, no guidelines as to what constitutes an acceptable work-week.You need to figure that out yourself – here’s where to start.Understand your own limi tationsFirst and foremost, it’s important that you understand your own capabilities. Some people can effortlessly work upwards of fifty or sixty hours a week without missing a beat. Such people are rare.Most of us have limitations. We have a limited amount of energy to put towards our job. A limited amount of focus where projects are concerned.As you gain experience in your field, you’ll probably be able to work more effectively and efficiently. But particularly at the beginning, it’s important to understand how much work you can take on, and how much work will leave you with drowning. Learn to recognize when you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, and when it’s time for you to take a break.Start setting a schedule – and stick to it Flexibility is a big reason a lot of people involve themselves in the gig economy in the first place. And while there’s certainly still room for flexibility in your career, I’d strongly advise setting a schedule for yourself. There are a few reasons for this.Having scheduled times for work and relaxation will help you avoid being overworked – you’ll likely find it easier to take a break if you slot time for one on your calendar.Planning things out in advance will make it easier to stay on top of any projects you’re working on or client demands you need to address.You’ll be able to schedule work hours to the time that you’re most productive. For some people, that’s the morning – others might find they do their best work in the afternoon or evening.Take care of yourselfLast but certainly not least, bear in mind that your body is like any machine in that proper maintenance is important if it’s to keep working at peak efficiency. That means eating healthy and getting enough sleep. It means exercising regularly and making sure you set aside enough time for activities that let your mind relax.You might think you’re getting more done by staying up well past midnight, but you aren’t. Not really. Ensuring you’re fresh-faced and healthy is the best way to not only be better at doing your job but also maintain a balance between your career and everything else in your life.In the gig economy, it’s frighteningly easy to fall into the habit of working yourself to the bone. While that may make you a bit of money in the short-term, it’ll come back to bite you in the long term. Far better for you to establish healthy habits and limits at the onset, and – you can always adjust them later if you feel you’re able to take on more.About the Author: Dave Allen is the owner of Ridesharecentral, a company that provides information to current and new rideshare drivers. Rideshare Central makes it easier for rideshare drivers to get started and drive profitably. Follow them on Twitter @ridesharecent.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gordon Rule- Ethics In Communication Research Paper
Gordon Rule- Ethics In Communication - Research Paper Example Ethical communication includes being honest in all communications, keeping confidential information undisclosed, and not discussing personal or business situations of others in public or in front of someone that has got nothing to do with it. Ethics play an essential role as far as communication is concerned. In order to make communication a successful one, it is important that we implement ethical principles. This encourages the communication climates of caring and mutual understanding that respect needs and characteristics of communicators. The importance of ethics of care and responsibility in a communication is quite clear. Applying ethical frameworks in communication contribute to the well-being of families, communities, and society. Moreover, it emphasizes an ethic of caring and commits to the courageous expression of personal opinions in pursuit of fairness and justice. Implementing ethics in communication also builds a sense of care and responsibility between the communicators such as advocate sharing information, opinions, and feelings when facing some complex situations along with respecting privacy and confidentiality. These principles also result in effective group communication, such as teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, and diversity in the workplace. Thus, ethical communication in groups means that group members respect and encourage diverse opinions, do not tolerate communication that degrades others. Maintain privacy if an important information is shared by a group member. Lastly, make a habit of listening and understanding the situation first before evaluating and critiquing. It is absolutely wrong to come up with a conclusion without giving a chance to person to justify himself.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketing questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing questions - Essay Example These information’s may include the price of the commodity, date of manufacture and expiry date, nature of the product among other things. These informations provided are very important for both the customers and the companies in realizing the purchasing nature of the customers as well as in setting the prices of the commodities. Some of the information captured in the card from scanner data includes demographic factors of the client. The demographic data are date of birth and gender; customer’s contact address as well as residential area. They also include the customers name and national identification number. These information’s which are captured are very important for the companies as they help the company to strategize in efforts to enjoy competitive advantages over their competitors. They are useful in designing promotional strategy as it may only allow certain groups of customers who may have the card to enjoy certain discounts from the company. It will therefore be cost effective for the company when they use this cards with all the information contained (Khazanchi and Besley, 2012). The picture below present the package of choice which provides the good job in providing information related to the benefits of the product, safety, the manufacturer and direction to consumers on how to use the product. This package is very important to the consumer due to information it has which are relevant to the consumers. It educates the consumers on the ways of managing their weight loss which has become a challenge in the modern society. It does this by educating the consumers on how to do grocery shopping, exercise and smart eating. The product itself is very important in improving the individual’s health and has also been packaged in a bio-degradable package which makes it to be environmental friendly product which brings some benefits to the consumers. The company producing this package is responsible for a number of community sensation
Monday, November 18, 2019
Personal statement explaining a positive criminal background check for
Explaining a positive criminal background check for entering a Nursing program - Personal Statement Example The DWI offense happened in June of 1994 as a misdemeanor that ensued from having a few alcoholic beverages at a wedding reception and using poor judgment concerning driving home. I was placed on 2 years’ probation with community service and finished probation early. I have never driven while intoxicated since this incident and have since encouraged people not to do it either. In August of 1994, I completed a court ordered DWI education program (rehabilitative effort) that focused on learning about the negative consequences of driving while drunk. The experience reinforced the lesson never to drive while intoxicated due to the risks that could be posed on oneself and on others. On March 11, 1997, I was arrested for Driving While License Suspended and I was so surprised because this offense was apparently a mistake by the law enforcement agencies. Their records showed that I did not complete the above DWI Education course which was a compulsory requirement for DWI; and they suspended my license without duly informing me about it until I got pulled over that day. I went to court to clear matters up and they dismissed the case due to "Insufficient Evidence" since I showed proof that I was able to complete the DWI education on time and their records showed that they were at fault. This incident should have been duly noted and recorded and therefore should not even be taken into consideration as a misdemeanor and a behavior characteristic. I am hereby attesting that these narrated incidents are factual and having transpired more than 17 years ago, I believe these isolated incidents, despite one’s immaturity and irresponsible behavior at the time they occurred, should not bear significantly on future potentials and plans to be a registered nurse after pursuing the Nursing Program. I assure the Nursing Board that I have learned the lessons
Friday, November 15, 2019
Human Rights in the Workplace
Human Rights in the Workplace Konark Nanda The legal environment is critical to Canadian labour relations. Employment standards legislation mandates the minimum terms of employment such as minimum vacations, holidays and wages. These provide a floor for the negotiation of collective agreements. Any contract terms relating to issues covered by employment standards legislation must provide at least the minimum rights provided in the legislation. Human rights legislation prohibits discrimination and harassment and imposes a duty to accommodate. All jurisdictions have their own human rights legislation. This legislation and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are the basis for the law relating to discrimination in each jurisdiction. Human rights legislation in each jurisdiction in Canada sets out prohibited grounds of discrimination. There are several prohibited grounds that apply to all jurisdictions in Canada, certain protections are not assured in every part of Canada. Discrimination based on age, marital status, physical or mental disability, and sexual orientation are found in federal and human rights laws throughout Canada; demographic factors such as family status, pardoned convictions, and gender identity do not fall within protected ground in several federal or provincial human rights code. Human rights are important in the relationships that exist between individuals and the government that has power over them. The government exercises power over its people. However, human rights mean that this power is limited. Provinces must look after the basic needs of the people and protect some of their freedoms. Ontarios Human Rights Code, the first in Canada, was enacted in 1962. The Code states that every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to employment without discrimination or harassment because of race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or disability (Rights Commission, 2016). Discrimination happens in several ways. It can be direct, indirect, or systemic. Discrimination can also be things like reprisal, a poisoned environment, harassment, or racial profiling. Direct discrimination means discriminating against someone because you think they are different from you. It includes practices or behaviors that have a negative effect of a person or a group of people who belong to a ground listed under the Code. It doesnt matter that you didnt intend to treat them differently. What matters is whether your actions or what you said results in discrimination. Constructive discrimination refers to a neutral rule that has an adverse impact on an individual because of prohibited grounds of discrimination; it may be unintentional. Systemic discrimination may be part of a system, like how decisions are made, and the practices and policies, or the culture of the organization. For example, the head of the company likes golf, and only wants to promote managers who play golf. In human rights legislation, there is a duty to accommodate that requires measure to be adopted preventing people from being adversely affected by workplace requirements based on a prohibited ground of discrimination. Government Objectives in Labour Relations Government plays an important role in the regulation of labour relations process. Government has made bodies to oversee key processes such as union organizing, contract negotiations and the administration of the collective agreement. Government regulates the labour relations outcomes by overlooking agreements, strikes, and lockout. Government has to intervene in labour relations as they could affect the economy by causing inflationary pressure. To protect public interest and limit disruption of the public, governments can seek to avoid strikes and lockouts through labour legislation that places restriction on strikes and lockouts, assistance during negotiating in the form of conciliation and mediation and back to work legislation. Government regulates economy, control inflation and unemployment through monetary and fiscal policies. Government regulates market practices and results with minimum terms of employment and human rights legislations. Role of Unions in Labour Relations Unions are key actors in the labour relations system. The main objectives of unions are to improve the terms and conditions of work, protect arbitrary management action, providing conflict resolution and employee input and pursuing social and economic change. Unions try to achieve these objectives by organizing employees, contract negotiations, strikes and boycotts, grievances and arbitration, court / legal actions, political activities, union management collaborations and other unilateral actions. Role of Management In the private sector management has two main core objectives: the maximization of profit and maintaining control over the business. In the public and nonprofit sectors, employers seek to balance operating budgets, comply with government policy initiatives and meet the demands for the public services at reasonable costs. The management must achieve its objectives while taking care of its employees and not discriminating against them. The management has a duty to accommodate its employees till the time it does not cause them undue hardship. Possible measure to accommodate are allowing a period of absence from work, reduced hours, transfer to an alternate job, training to facilitate a move to another job. Certification Process in Ontario When the union applies to the board, the union must establish that it is a trade union as defined in the labour relations legislation, the application is timely, the group of employees specified in the application is an appropriate bargaining unit and the union has adequate support of employees in the proposed unit. In the beginning of the certification process Ontario government makes the union send out a notification of application to both the employer and any current union(s). Certification package is send out by union that is described in Ontario Labour Relations boards (OLRB) and this information is also available to other parties to prepare their responses to the application. Then the union makes its application to the ORLB, along with membership evidence gather in the organizing campaign that it considers appropriate for a collective bargaining unit. All the parties are then contacted by OLRB to ensure that the notification has occurred, the employer post a notice to the employees in the work place informing them that a vote will be held. All the unions and the employers representing the effected employees give feedback to the OLRB within two days of the application being filed. The information normally includes the actual number of employees in the bargaining unit proposed by the union and any alternating bargaining unit proposed, while listing this information employers must decide if its challenging the union application under section 8.1 of Ontario labor relation act 1995. Based on the information provided by the union, OLRB decides to sanction it if it appears the union has the support of at least 40% of the employees in the bargaining unit which is being proposed and if thats the case then a secret ballot vote is held in the work place within five days of filling the application, board has the power to change the time line if necessary. The voters whose eligibility to vote is in doubt and then they later become eligible, then their names are written on the envelope and dropped in ballot box. The OLRB holds a secret ballot vote. Anyone who is in the bargaining unit in the union that has applied for the certification can vote. If the majority (50% + 1) of workers who caste vote to unionize, the union is certified. On the off chance that the assentation cant be achieved, a hearing before the OLRB will be planned for four weeks after the vote. Its possible that the vote wont be numbered until after the board issues its choice. On the off chance that more than 50 percent of the votes are supportive of the union, the OLRB will grant certification. References Publishing, P. Why are Human Rights Important? Retrieved from Rights Commission, O. H. (2016). Employment. Retrieved from Suffield, L., Gannon, G. L. (n.d.). Labour relations
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Ital is Vital :: essays papers
Ital is Vital Food is more than fuel for our bodies, it nourishes our souls and feeds our hearts. A significant part of Rastafarianism is eating Ital. Ital is a rastafarian term for a saltless and vegetarian diet. Not all rastafarians strictly follow this diet, however it is held as an ideal. In Nyabinghi ceremonies, eating Ital is part of the ritual protocol for all participants. There are many different aspects of an Ital diet, many different singular beliefs and philosophies on eating Ital, however, there are a few unifying beliefs that exist. Eating Ital makes one more pure. If one fills there body with whole foods from the earth, they will inevitably exist in a higher, purer state. They will run on divine fuel. Just the act of becoming aware of what one puts into their bodies is a consciousness raising experience. Rastafarians regard there bodies as temples for the Hola life-force (spirit). Therefore, they are determined to eat food which will balance not only the body but the spirit as well. "Eat of the TREE OF LIFE" The Rastafari I-talists avoid pork and shell fish, insects, creeping creatures, animal flesh, fowl and their juices. They avoid large fish and fish grown without scales and fins, and most eat no fish at all. Rastafarians also avoid added salt in their foods, vinegar, mayonnaise and all alcoholic beverages and liquor. They also avoid bleached white substances such as white sugar, white flour, white bread, white rice and chemicals and artificial additives and colouring. A particular branch of Rastafarians, called the Nazerites, eat no grapes or fruits-of-the-vine, such as pumpkins or cucumbers. Rastafarians avoid blending Ital foods with other food, as well. Rastafarians refrain from anything polluted with pesticides, or any type of packaged foods. Some rastas are serious enough to avoid using synthetic plastic countertops. Kitchens, therefore, are made with natural materials, like wood, and food is served only in bowls that have come from the earth, like gourds or wood. The reason for avoiding pork and shellfish is because they are environmental scavengers, and regarded as unclean. Large fish are avoided because they feed on smaller fish, and if one is going to eat flesh, it mush be the flesh of plant eaters. Most Rastafarians believe that in the beginning of creation it was not intended for man to eat flesh. "And Jah said, Behold I have given every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat (food).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mandeville Analysis
Defining â€Å"Vice†To understand Mandible's claim that society is vice-driven, one needs to loosely examine The Grumbling Hive which was later included in his larger work, The Fable of the Bees: OR, Private Vices, Public Benefits. Mandible starts off by describing â€Å"A Spacious Hive well stock's with Bees, That lived in Luxury and Ease†(Mandible, 1705, lines 1-2). He states they were a large colony with science and industry and a good government, evidenced by the fact that â€Å"They were not Slaves to Tyranny†(Mandible, 1 705, line 9).The bees worked hard at their trades, which served to make the society (the hive) thrive, but he observes that this was not without consequences. He notes hat although the hive worked hard and â€Å"Millions were employed†(Mandible, 1705, line 35), there was always a separate class or group that worked harder than the rest: â€Å"And some were damned to Scythes and Spades, And all those hard laborious Trades; Where willing Wretches daily sweat, And wear out Strength and Limbs to eat†(Mandible, 1 705, lines 41-44).He also notes that there is always a group of people who will take advantage of those hard workers for their own gain, and that this deceit was wide-spread and affected all groups and trades. As evidence, he points out that people filed needless assists; lawyers would delay hearings and pocket the retaining fees like burglars looking for the best way to break in; physicians valued money and power over the health and well-being of their patients and instead chose to study â€Å"Rules of Art†; the â€Å"Priests of Jove†, although eloquent,†. Al past Muster, that could hide Their Sloth, Lust, Avarice and Pride†(Mandible, 1705, lines 74, 85, 89-90); the Kings were cheated by those who served them, and even Lady Justice dropped her scales so she could grasp her bribe of gold. (Mandible, 1705, line 142). In this description of the flourishing hive, Mandibl e paints us a picture, not of a society flourishing from hard work, sweat, and â€Å"doing the right thing', but of a society getting ahead through tricks, deceit, and greed.This is the entire basis for his concept of ‘Vice†. We do nothing out of pure altruism. In Mandible's eyes, everything is driven by Our own self-interest, our need to fulfill our own wishes, Wants, and desires through selfishness, dishonesty and indulgence on luxury goods. In the Preface of his larger work, The Fable of the Bees: or, Private Vices, PublicBenefits, Mandible clarifies his position further when he states: †so they that examine into the Nature of Man, abstract from Art and Education, may observe, that what renders him a Sociable Animal, consists not in his desire or Company, Good-nature, Pity, Affability, and other Graces of a fair Outside; but that his vilest and most hateful Qualities are the most necessary Accomplishments to fit him for the largest, and, according to the World , the happiest and most flourishing Societies†(Mandible, 1714, p. ). Mandible's views were refuted by Adam Smith in his 1759 work, The Theory f Moral Sentiments when he stated: â€Å"Every thing, according to him, is luxury which exceeds what is absolutely necessary for the support of human nature, so that there is vice even in the use of a clean shirt, or of a convenient habitation†(Smith, 1 759, p. 506). It is Smith's view that there is no vice present or intended when our actions are â€Å"honorable and noble†(Smith, 1759, p. 501).However, even Smith, who was one of Mandible's biggest detractors, later admitted: â€Å"But how destructive sever, this system may appear, it could never have imposed upon so great a number of persons, nor eve occasioned so general an alarm among those who are the friends of better principles, had it not in some respects bordered upon the truth†(Smith, 1 759, p. 508), leaving us to believe that perhaps Mandible's concept (and consequence) of â€Å"vice†is actually true.The Products of â€Å"Vice†In Mandible's hive, the society and it's economy is driven by the vices of the bees. Their wishes, wants, and desires for â€Å"things†drive the production and consumption of these commodities. An increased demand for â€Å"things†will lead to more people working to produce those items, which will lead to a argue supply available to the populace (many times at a lower cost due to mass production), and an increased consumption of those items, which leads us back to higher demand, which equals more work, and so on.Mandible also goes on to say that there is a causal relationship between this â€Å"vice†and the ingenuity of the worker, which leads to prosperity even for the poorest members of the hive (society): â€Å"Thus Vice nursed Ingenuity, Which joined with Time; and Industry Had carry's Life's Conveniences, It's real Pleasures, Comforts, Ease, To such a Height, the very Poor Lived better than the Rich before; And nothing could be added more†(Mandible, 1705, lines 97-103).It is important to pause here a moment and point out that we are not discussing those items required to meet basic, day-to-day needs (food, clothing, and housing). We are discussing those items over and above the basics, I. E. : fine clothing, fancy furniture, and expensive food and drink (what he would call luxury items). This â€Å"conspicuous consumption†(a term first coined by Thorniest Evolve in his 1 899 book entitled, The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of he Evolution of Institutions) still drives our economy today.A large portion of our population lives well above their means. They purchase houses many times larger than they need, drive vehicles marketed to â€Å"upscale†buyers interested in â€Å"brand identification†, and take out second mortgages they can't afford so they can purchase huge Class A motherhood they use on ce a year, or install a pool which sees limited usage, all because of this need to have the â€Å"things†that project a certain image or lifestyle. These luxury items and the markets they drive were huge in our current society, until the bottom fell outOf the market and everything came crashing down. In 2005, Carol Lloyd Of the San Francisco Chronicle noted: â€Å"In the U. S. , a trend in 1 sass toward large houses began, with the average size of a home doubling over the next 50 years. This trend has been compared to the increase in SUB purchases, also often a symbol of conspicuous consumption. People have purchased huge houses even at the expense of the size of their yard, the inability to save funds for retirement, or a greatly increased commute time, up to a couple of hours.Such large homes can also facilitate other forms of consumption, in roving extra storage space for vehicles, clothes, and other objects†(Lloyd, 2005). In The Theory of the Leisure Class, Evolv e argued that social honor was originally based on ownership of private property. In earlier times, wealth was seen as evidence of the instinct of workmanship, but more recently wealth itself is worthy of praise. Originally, the leisure class sought to demonstrate its wealth by not working. But as industrial society evolved, conspicuous consumption became the best way to demonstrate one's wealth.The leisure class is expected to consume the best in food, drink, shelter, argotic, services, ornaments, apparel, amusements, and so on, and because the leisure class stands at the top of this ranking system, it is incumbent on all classes that rank below them to follow their example (Evolve, 1899, Chi. 4). When Vice is Removed So what happens when â€Å"vice†is removed from society? In Mandible's â€Å"hive†, the bees eventually get tired of living in greed and injustice, so they call on Jove to bring virtue to their society. But, Oh ye Gods! What Consternation, How vast and sudden was the Alteration! In half an Hour, the Nation round, Meat fell a Penny in the Pound†(Mandible, 1 705, lines 242-245). Even the lawyers were affected in this new society: â€Å"The Bar was silent from that Day; For now the willing Debtors pay On which, since nothing less can thrive, Than Lawyers in an honest Hive†(Mandible, 1705, lines 250-251 256-257). Justice returned, physicians tended the ill, the clergy ministered, but yet, the hive was still collapsing.Virtue has been restored, but the society begins to self-destruct. With the drive for self-interest gone, economic development dies and the bees become lazy and unmotivated. The bees are now selling off â€Å"Stately Horses by whole sets; And Country Houses to pay Debts†(Mandible, 1705, lines 325-326); they are moving to other trades where they feel they can make a living, only to find that those trades are â€Å"o'er-stocked accordingly†(Mandible, 1 705, lines 342). Their lands and houses aren't worth what they paid for them, work is scarce, all, it seems is lost.So, they resolve to go about everyday life, living as simply as they can to get by: â€Å"And, when they paid the Tavern Score, Resolved to enter it no more†(Mandible, 1705, lines 357-358). The Haughty Chloe has to sell her furniture from the Indies, she goes longer before buying new clothes, and the rare fruits she previously enjoyed are now a thing of the past (Mandible, 1705, lines 367-381). It seems that by seeking honesty and virtue, the society destroyed itself. The bees start to abandon the hive.The few that remain take shelter in â€Å"a hollow tree, Blest with content and Honesty' (Mandible, 1705, lines 407-408), In the last part of the doggerel, Mandible presents ‘The MORAL†: â€Å"Then leave Complaints: Fools only strive To make a Great an honest Hive. Tendon the World's Conveniences, Be Famed in War, yet live in Ease Without great Vices, is a vain Utopia seated in the Brain. Fraud, Luxury, and Pride must live; Whilst we the Benefits receive†(Mandible, 1705, lines 409-416).Mandible commented in the preface to Fable Of the Bees that he wrote The Grumbling Hive â€Å"to show the Vileness of the Ingredients that all together compose the wholesome Mixture of a well-ordered Society†. He further stated that: â€Å"For the main Design of the Fable †¦ Is to she [show] the Impossibility of enjoying all the most elegant Comforts of Life that are to be met with in an industrious, lathe and powerful Nation, and at the same time be bless's with all the Virtue and Innocence that can be wished for in a Golden Age†(Mandible, 1714, p. ). We can apply this notion that vice is the foundation of national prosperity and happiness to the economic mess in the United States today. There came a point in our current economy that people began to realize they were in debt too deep. Many times, applications for credit were â€Å"doctored†so that a consumer could take out more credit than they could really afford. The result was that consumers over-extended and bought multitudes of ‘things†hey did not need and could not pay for in pursuit of â€Å"status†.Once this realization set in, people began to back away from the excesses of the previous decade: they spent less and tried to save more, they started to sell off their expensive purchases, and they tried to cut back, settling for the day- to-day items necessary to sustain life. Some economists say this sudden frugality actually made things worse, because when people stopped spending, the economy shriveled up. The price of land and houses plummeted, new building stopped, workers in all kinds of industries lost their bobs, factories closed, and the unemployment rate skyrocketed.People started defaulting on loans at an alarming rate. The market was flooded with used motor homes and people were stuck with houses they couldn't afford, but couldn't sell. Forec losures were (and still are) at an all-time high. It seems the American dream has vanished. While Mandible believed the ‘Vice†that causes us to buy â€Å"things†in excess is part of the downfall of the hive: â€Å"Great wealth and foreign treasure,†Mandible wrote, â€Å"will ever scorn to come among men unless you'll admit their inseparable companions, avarice and usury: where trade is considerable, fraud will intrude.To be at once well- bred and sincere is no less than a contradiction; and therefore while man advances in knowledge, and his manners are polished, we must expect to see at the same time his desires enlarged, his appetites refined, and his vices increased†(Mandible, 1714, p. 201 it is interesting to note that the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) have remained relatively stable. In these countries â€Å"where many people pay 50% of their income in taxes†to support their high-benefit welfare system, these â⠂¬Å"systems eve been acting as stabilizers to their economies.If you lose your job in Sweden, you can expect to receive of your wages for the first 200 days of inactivity, up to 680 kronor (EYE) per day, dropping to 70% for the following 100 days. If you lose your job in Norway, you will receive 62% of your previous salary for up to two years†(Pouches', 2009). Kristin Halverson, Narrator's finance minister, states: â€Å"In these days, we see that a strong welfare state, together with free education and healthcare, has acted as a buffer that stabilizes the economy†(Pouches', 2009).Perhaps this is why the Scandinavian entries were affected much less than the United States during the recent recession. I doubt it's because Scandinavia is much less prone to Mandible's concept of';CE†. It is much more likely that in a country like the United States where the welfare state has such strong disapproval, the competitive, â€Å"get ahead at all costs†and â€Å"ke ep up with the Joneses†mentality of the American consumer is at fault. It is the â€Å"do anything, say anything†mentality that people are willing to employ to get what they want when they want it, whether they can afford it or not.
Friday, November 8, 2019
A Mediocre Photographers Guide to Professional Photography
A Mediocre Photographers Guide to Professional Photography I’ve been a freelance writer for thirteen years. While I’m mainly a writer, hundreds of my photographs have been published in books, magazines, newspapers, and online. I’ve made thousands of dollars from my photos, yet I’m at best a mediocre photographer. I’m not a visual person, and I’ve taken only one â€Å"easy A†college photography class that was back in the days of dark rooms and print film. I’m not alone. Many writers supplement their income with photos even if they aren’t primarily photographers. Here are some tips to help you augment your writing income with your photos. This isn’t a beginner’s guide to photography - there are plenty of those already - but rather a guide to using your current level of ability to its best advantage. Always Use the Highest Resolution: Set your camera to the highest resolution and largest format and leave it there. Even if your assignment is for an online publication that uses small, low-res images, you never know when you’ll need those large, high-res images for print media. Print requires at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). Go beyond that. Why? Because bigger pictures mean you can crop more and zoom in on details better, and a little blurriness disappears when you scale it down. Quantity Begets Quality: The trick to taking good photos is taking a lot of photos. Pros know this, and it’s doubly important for amateurs. The digital era has made taking photos virtually free, so click away. You’ll find plenty of wheat in the chaff. Also avoid the manual setting. As travel writer Pam Mandel says, â€Å"Everything that teaches you about going pro wants you out of automatic. But you know what? Cameras are smarter and smarter these days and if you don’t understand what’s happening with the light, it’s okay to use auto or the presets.†Take a Combination of Vertical and Horizontal Shots, Close-ups and Wide Views: Editors love choice and often pick a particular photo as much for how it fits into the layout as for the content. Give them a wide variety and more than the article actually requires.  Subject Is Everything: The more interesting your subject, the less your readers will notice your lack of talent. Take this photo, for instance. It’s of a castle in Gondar, Ethiopia. Wait, a castle in Ethiopia? Yep. Pretty, too. You might almost overlook the lack of people or the overly wide foreground. The first problem can be solved Spotting a Good Shot: Keep your camera handy and your eyes open for unusual, funny, or arresting images. Sometimes the best shots only last an instant. Another important aspect is depth. Freelancer Kyle Ellison says, â€Å"My wife, who takes far better photos than I, keeps hammering home the importance of depth in my photos. Depth! Depth! A sunset over a horizon is flat and 2D, whereas a sunset over a horizon with a palm frond in front of it is 3D.†Photo Editors Are Your Friends: I’m talking both computer programs and people here. Inexpert photographers often over- or underexpose their shots, or improperly frame them like that castle photo. If Photoshop is beyond you, even basic programs like Paint and GIMP allow you to crop, resize, adjust brightness, and more. It’s a lot easier to make a perfect shot than to take a perfect shot. Beyond that, your publisher has a real live photo editor who knows much more than you do. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Chances are they’ll fiddle with your photos anyway. And make sure you know your market. Ellison adds, â€Å"It’s important to look at the types of photos being published in the outlets you’re looking at. You could be the most artistic photog on Earth, but if your personal ‘style’ isn’t what usually publishes then it probably isn’t going to happen.†Creative Commons Is Your Friend: Still can’t get a decent shot? Use someone else’s expertise. There are countless images under the Creative Commons license freely available free for commercial use. Two of the best sources are Wikimedia Commons and Flickr. The photo-sharing site Flickr, a photo-sharing site, is the better of the two because more of its photos are high resolution. Additionally, if you’re covering an organized event, ask the press officer if they have photos available. Institutions such as museums or convention and visitor’s bureaus generally have a stock of images. There are many types of Creative Commons licenses. Make sure the owner allows commercial use. If she doesn’t, it never hurts to ask if you can use it. The worst she can do is say no. Some licenses require that you don’t alter the photo, an annoying restriction, and the vast majority ask for credit. Send the photographer a copy of the finished work. Building up friendly relations with pros is always a good idea. So don’t sweat your lack of artistic talent. Get snapping!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Livingston County Community Connect Event
Livingston County Community Connect Event Giving Back at Livingston Countys Community Connect Event Attorney Frank Cusmano and Law Clerk Daniel Dzierbicki engaged with the community and provided legal guidance at Livingston County’s 12th Annual Community Connect event this past Saturday at Howell Parker Middle School.As a one-stop-shop for a variety of important services and resources, including legal consultations, health screenings, baby items, books and more, the Community Connect is a highly-anticipated and valuable event.Yet, it is not only those receiving services that benefit from the event. Those involved feel privileged to meet with members of the community and make a difference.â€Å"We look forward to this event every year because it gives an opportunity to give back to the community.†Daniel said.The community is incredibly important to everyone at Disability Attorneys of Michigan, and is at the heart of everything Disability Attorneys of Michigan does.For many individuals and families, it can be difficult to apply for Social Security Disability or Supplem ental Security Income due to the complexities of the process. The event offers the unique opportunity for the community to meet with members of the Disability Attorneys of Michigan team and have their questions answered.â€Å"We take great pride in serving in the community and the Livingston County Community Connect provides us an opportunity to do just that. We had a great time speaking with everyone and providing legal assistance.†Disability Attorneys of Michigan works hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek the Social Security Disability benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, mental, or cognitive impairment, call Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free and confidential legal consultation at 800-701- 5524.Let Michigan’s experienced Social Security Disability law firm help you get the benefits you deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Compassionate Excellence. Livingston County Community Connect, Liv ingston County Community Connect Event, Michigan Social Security Disability Lawyer, Social Security Disability Lawyer
Monday, November 4, 2019
Healthcare Administration Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Healthcare Administration - Term Paper Example The interaction of patients with the physicians and the hospital setting builds a favorable ground upon which patients can access quality care and be taken care of by the physicians. The interaction between the parties involved seeks to promote the welfare of all of them. Hospitals are designed to provide care to patients in order to promote their health and wellbeing. Health care facilities raise their welfare by achieving the purpose for which they were established. On the other hand, physicians have a duty to ensure that patients are provided with quality care whenever they need it. Patients have the right to access health care services and quality care from physicians in hospitals and other health care facilities. Fostering healthy relationships between patients, physicians, and hospitals enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of providing health care services (Ebrahim & Anken, 2008). Contract Principle and Breach of Warranty in the Health Care Setting The health care setting is made up of numerous stakeholders, namely: patients, physicians, healthcare facility administrators, regulatory agencies, insurers, and the government among others. These stakeholders interact on differentiated grounds and for variant reasons. However, the common denominator is that one of these stakeholders can enter into a contract with another. Warranties are also operational in the health care setting, especially in patient-physician interaction. Government sponsored health care programs constitute contracts between health care facilities and the government through the relevant programs run by the government in that line. On the same note, patients can enter into contracts with insurers to secure insurance coverage. Over and above this, patients and physicians can engage in contractual relationships relative to provision of care. On the other hand, warranties in the health care setting encompass any assurances made by one party to another, whose breach results in remedial consequences (Afo, Thomason & Karel, 2006). Remedies are only sought after the warranty between two or more parties has been breached. Elements of Proving Negligence The four elements of proof necessary for a plaintiff to prove negligence include duty of care, breach of duty, injury, and proximate cause (Cassels & Janovsky, 2001). Health care providers are charged with a duty to care for the patient(s) based on an established relationship between the patient and the care provider. However, the heath care provider is not liable for any person who is not regarded as a patient in the capacity of the provider. The provider is expected to act in full capacity in ensuring that the patient’s care needs are met, failure to whic h negligence may result. Breach of duty is realized when the care provider fails to meet predetermined care standards or even deviates from a commonly known competent professionalism. This malpractice is in most cases realized from hazards and /or risks associated with a given medical procedure. To avoid this malpractice, care providers often ensure that they make use of informed consents before performing medical procedures that are highly likely to result in breach of duty. Failure to undertake care duty towards a patient by a care provider could also result in negligence. Injury that results from a medical malpractice
Friday, November 1, 2019
Astronomy123 assignment2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Astronomy123 assignment2 - Essay Example All this was proved during the study of the Milky Way Galaxy. The astronauts believe that the things that exist in the universe are all within the perimeters of our galaxy. With the measurements, the galaxy is proved to be of a 300000 light years in diameter. This also was proved that the sun was not at the center. The galaxy also had spiral nebulae that was seen by the use of the telescopes and the clouds which were just like gases were seen in the Milky Way. In his points, he argued that the Milky Way was large as the star clusters. The distance between the clusters was 13m and they were all of the same size. This made him to know their actual distance and said that the objects diminished in size as the distance within them increased. The clusters also had a halo on the other body of the galaxy making the galaxy to be 300000 light years in diameter and the sun was 50000 light years away from the sun. He believed that the spiral nebulae was within the galaxy’s boundaries and he came up with a theory that the spiral were formed from the late solar forming systems. This confirmed that the galaxy is the one which forms the entire universe. 3. The discovery of the microwave background was explicit by the fact that Europe had a sociological problem and it was in a disastrous war. Since the war were also to be extended to the United States, the discussion of the theory was not possible because of the disaster. The discovery was to be discovered after the end of the Second World War but unluckily, the world recovered very slowly until in the year 1952 when the discussion was discussed at the IAU meeting although the files had been
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Edna Manley Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Edna Manley - Essay Example However, her later works were done in clay and cast. The sculptors she made were greatly influenced by the cultural changes taking place in Jamaica at the time. Her art was aimed at reflecting the Jamaican culture and the experiences Jamaicans were undergoing at the time. During the early 1920s, after she had returned to Jamaica from England, Edna realized that Jamaican middle class expected all women to be subjects of their husbands and operate in their shadows. However, she was a keen observer of the Jamaican way of life, and through this observation, she got inspiration for her work. Beadseller is the first bronze casting sculptor she created in 1923. The beadseller was a sharp and lean body depicting a person undergoing hardships. This piece personified the suffering and troubles many people in Jamaica went through. Through her work, Edna also attempted to elevate the status of women in the society. Unlike many other artists at the time, her style mainly centered on women, for instance, in 1928, she created the carving Eve from mahogany. This image had rounded and sensual body forms (Laduke, 37). This piece was recognized as one of Edna’s important works in which she acknowledges the mother of mankind. Through her art, she was able to recognize the role women had in the society. For instance, in her work The Message (1977), Edna shows two women sharing a secret. She claimed that she saw these two women in the market place and knew that it was a secret an older woman tells a younger one. Other works with the theme of older women include Man-Child (1974) and The Ancestor (1974) (Laduke, 37). She was a champion and advocate of the Black Jamaican rights and freedom. Through her works, Edna was able to show the world that Black Jamaicans were capable and ready to make a contribution to the Jamaican society and the world as a whole. These works represented the quest for a new order in the Jamaican society. Two of such
Monday, October 28, 2019
Position of the Music Industry Prior to Introduction of Internet Essay Example for Free
Position of the Music Industry Prior to Introduction of Internet Essay In the music industry prior to the introduction of internet marketing there were different roles being played by different actors of the market. The usual way a product is prepared for market is to contract the artists. The artists who were the content providers record materials which are either their own or provided to them by other writers. This is clearly depicted in the figure below. Traditional Value Chain in the Music Industry Source: John B. Meisel and Timothy S. Sullivan The recordings will be done on the basis of the contracts entered into with the recording companies. Hence the power and control over the supply of the product remained with the record company. The recording company thus would be regarded as the holder of the major item of value in the supply chain being the exclusive rights over the recorded artists’ content. (Hardaker and Graham, 2001) Most of the part of the distribution is in the hands of the record companies and they also retain the rights to select the suppliers. The distribution and supplier selection is based on the record companies’ perception about the quality of the recording and the music, past reputation of the suppliers and the contract price for the recording. In return for the content in the form of recording, the artist is compensated by the provision of promotions for the recording and its merchandising in connection with the sales there of and the distribution of the content as a saleable commodity – CD for example. It was usual in the traditional music industry that the major record companies have their own distribution channels and businesses. Hence it would become necessary for a retailer to source his music products from different sources. Sometimes the retailer may have to place orders with major record companies and up to 20 other firms from the independent sector. The new releases of music albums or other sales of the record companies are usually handled by the wholesalers. If the retailer would like to follow the wholesaler route then he might have to order through only one wholesaler. The main wholesalers also offer another service called ‘rack jobbing’ which is a different method of supply being adopted by them. The function of a rack jobber includes the supply of complete package that contains records and other promotional and display materials. It is also the duty of the wholesaler to keep a regular stock usually on a sale or exchange basis. Just as the advancement in the telecommunication had its effect on all the other sectors from airline reservations to banking and related financial services the music recording industry has also been severely impacted both positively and negatively observes Eric de Fontenay. In fact the impact of internet on the music industry is much more profound than on any other industries. Despite the fact that the entertainment related products and services have taken their own time to develop and take advantage of the improvements in digital technology over the decades, during the intervening period the overall structure of the industry has remained dormant. The reasons for the industry to remain without major changes can be traced to the following reasons: 1. The cost of creation of content has always remained higher and this prohibited any new entrants in to the industry. 2. The structure of content ownership and rights of licensing system remained unaltered thereby keeping the structure of the industry in tact. 3. There has been a continuous necessity for the presence of a distribution network almost everywhere in the world irrespective of the geographical barriers. This has restricted the existing firms to make any changes in the structure. There was no possibility of new firms entering the market in view of the high capital intensive nature. 4. Similarly there had always been a constant scarcity for the distribution networks which also prevented any new forms of distribution or change in the structure of the distribution networks. (Eric de Fontenay) The internet has affected the music industry in so many ways. It has made the industry incur additional costs in completely restructuring itself. Further the internet has reduced the entry barriers. This was possible by a considerable increase in the number of downstream outlets having varied nature. At the same time the internet has provided the actors in the upstream end to enjoy greater control over the aspects of content ownership, production and distribution. This has created a distinct fear in the record labels that they cannot eliminate the possibility of getting bypassed by both the markets in the downstream and upstream. This impact has created the following reaction on the part of the traditional industry actors. They tried to impose the existing rules and procedures to the new medium so that they could exercise the same leverage and control over the market. The process by which they attempted to do it involves a twin aspects strategic approach. At one end they used legal channels to restrict the availability and use of the new technology in the Industry. On the other end they adopted new technologies to tackle the potential legal threats that would affect the control derived by them from the traditional systems. This strategy backfired and left them high and dry in the market while new information technology players like AOL, Microsoft, E Music and MP3 took advantage of the stalemate. They reacted aggressively by building their infrastructure and systems for the online marketing and distribution of music. They also involved themselves in the retailing of music over internet. The distribution of revenues in the music industry involves the portion of the performer. As per the contract terms the performer is to be paid a portion of the revenue each time there is a sale of the record. Before the money is paid to the performer the revenue is to be apportioned towards the expenses incurred by the company for marketing and distribution. This gives an opportunity for the artists to earn considerable amounts from the sale of products. For gaining maximum revenue the artists should control the publishing rights to their songs or they have the capacity to negotiate contracts with terms that are favourable to the artists. In the case of revenue distribution Internet has its impact on the industry in the following respects.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Tragedy of Isolation Exposed in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays
The Tragedy of Isolation Exposed in Of Mice and Men  The Great Depression of the 1930's was a tumultuous time. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes and means of unemployment. Whole families would roam the country, desperate for food and a place to rest, struggling to survive. There were also many men who tramped across America alone, searching for menial jobs to keep them alive another month. John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men details the lives of several such men and shows that the principle quest of so many was not money or things that money can buy. Rather, whether they were travelling from one job to another or employed in some capacity, the vast majority of the wandering laborers were searching for human companionship and reassurance that they were not alone to fend for themselves- something very few of them actually found. It was not merely the migrant workers who felt detached form the world- even the boss's son Curley was manifestly desperate for real companionship. Curley's biggest obstacle was himself, as he possessed simultaneously an enormous ego and very little self-esteem. As the son of the owner of a large ranch, Curley had considerable power over the men who worked there, and he chose to abuse that power rather that try to befriend those who were beneath him. Unable to realize that constantly picking fights would do little to combat his loneliness, Curley pounced upon everyone who looked at him funny as an excuse to vent his frustration at being friendless and hated. He could not love his wife because that would mean breaking down the barrier of pride he had constructed, and so he perpetuated the cycle of loneliness both in himself and others. And what of Curley's wife? Nameless, she epitomizes the wife displayed as a trophy by a status-conscious husband, whether he is a prominent politician, a millionaire, or the son of a ranch owner. It is tragic that two individuals so alone in the world could be thrown together by fate and succeed only in strengthening each others' isolation, and that is often the case. Curley lived his life picking fights or discussing future ones, while his wife, desperate for meaningful attention, flirts with all the ranch hands. She sought out Lennie and the others in Crooks's room for conversation in desperation, hoping for companionship yet dooming it from the start by her arrogance and unwillingness to concede that, to be truly happy, she must bend a little.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Internet, Technology, and Privacy Essay -- privacy on the web, grow
Privacy on the Web has become a growing concern among Americans' due to tracking and social profiling of users' and their online habits. Government, businesses, web platforms and their advertisers are collecting users' online data on a daily basis through various techniques which could be used for study, security, and economic advantage. According to â€Å"The Danger of Big Data: Social Media as Computational Social Science,†smaller bits of user shared data can potentially be combined together to reveal information that could be damaging to a group or individual in which they may view as an invasion of their privacy. The capacity to collect and analyze such data can become a concern when that information is made available to businesses and government. With a lack of disclosure on how the users' data is being gathered and analyzed with a difficulty in knowing which pieces of the data shared could later prove damaging, many users' may not be aware of the potential adverse effects of the information they share online. [1][2] Social media networks gather and analyze large amounts of data on their users' to build a detailed social graph to better target advertisements, which can create an ethical dilemma in what constitutes as sensitive user information and how that could vary between different users'. In one case that called for class-action lawsuits in the U.S was how Facebook would keep track of its users and the websites they visited via the â€Å"Like,†and â€Å"Recommendations,†buttons that many web sites include for social and sharing purposes. Facebook was notified every time a user would access a website that had a â€Å"Like†button, even if the button wasn't clicked or the user logged into their Facebook account. [3] Due to the accuracy... [9] The Day The World Fought Back [10] Information Commissioner's Office: Cookies [11] All About Cookies [12] Target retail Additional references used in study. The Future of Big Data Younger Generation Embracing A New View of Privacy How Companies Learn Your Secrets
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reaction Paper: Jose Rizal Movie
While watching the movie, I have observed similarities and differences of some scenes from today’s youth. Let’s start discussing about the similarities. First thing I have observed is the harsh treatment given by the colonials to our fellowmen especially to women and children. They, if not physically, were verbally abused by the Spaniards. I compared it to what’s happening in our society today and quite noticed a similarity. It is similar in a way that women and children, even the men too, are still abused by foreign people and sometimes even our own people. They also treat them as slaves.Child labor – forcing minors to work – has been a big issue. Women slavery – treating women as slaves, sex slaves to be exact – has been an issue too. Nowadays, our people are still abused and these are oftentimes done by those who have the power like politicians and other well-illustrated persons. They think that with their wealth and position they h ave the right to hurt our fellowmen. Even a small mistake or a suspicion causes the people who have the power to physically abuse our fellowmen because for them that’s how they should be treated after what they have done.Next thing I have observed is the racial discrimination. As we have discussed in class, it is one of the evils during Rizal’s time. Filipinos who were flat-nosed and brown-skinned were labeled as â€Å"Indios†and the Spaniards being pale-complexioned were termed as â€Å"Bangus†or milkfish in English. The Filipinos who were called â€Å"Indios†had little privileges unlike the â€Å"Milkfish†people who had most of the privileges to themselves. The Spaniards look at them like they were as tiny as an ant and they were of no importance to them. Foreign people thought that they were superiors against the Filipinos.They criticize them based on how they look and they treat them rudely based on how rude their criticism on their looks is. There were different beliefs in anointing officials in where Spaniards have believed that Indios should not be allowed and do not deserve to be given a position in any fields because for them they do not make any contributions that would benefit our country. Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamora’s (GomBurZa) execution was an example of how Spaniards hated the fact that Indios are given a chance to serve the country.For Spaniards, they were the only one who should have all the rights and freedom to do whatever they like and no one should be against them for if there was they would be killed. Third thing I have observed in the film was the greediness of the Spaniards for power. They wanted to be anointed immediately to a position where they have more ability to control the Filipinos. And once they have the power to do things, they start to abuse it. The Spaniards had never been in favor of what the Filipinos like.Actually, they were in favor of what the Filipinos disliked. Once they hear our fellowmen reacting rudely at their deeds, they start to make their lives miserable to let them know that they are not to be messed with. Spaniards’ greed for power made them abuse their rights. They used their position to access more power which made the control more people. It is the same today. People still use their position to manipulate us. They are superior, they have the power, and they can do anything they like. So, what they do is they treat us rudely.For example, policemen nowadays use their position to hurt and get money from our fellowmen. They abuse their right to use materials which they should only use for defense. Another example is when a politician uses his position to manipulate people. They start to make people believe that their intentions are good but the truth is at the end of the day it is not. So what happens, people trust them because they appear so nice and tend to do what they’ve been told. Since they trust these politici ans, they will not question the things they’ve been told to do.Then later on, it will turn out that they were used by these politicians for their own gain and not for our fellowmen’s sake. A common example of this is when politicians promise a program to our people. They start trying to gain their trust. Once they have gained our fellowmen’s trust, they start to ask for favors like asking them to some deeds, some which are illegal, and ask them for money. Our fellowmen will willingly oblige to what they have been asked for believing that it would benefit them.But sometimes, they do what they have been told because they are forced by these men who have the power to do so. Fourth thing I have observed is the maladministration of justice e. In the movie, it was pretty obvious that the trial was just a scene so that our fellowmen would think that the Spaniards would still give Rizal a chance when in fact a decision has been made before the trial. The Spaniards were very firm about their decision which was to execute Rizal. There was no justice there because Rizal was not given a chance to explain and prove to everyone that he was innocent.The Spaniards looked like they were in the trial listening but actually they turned into deaf the moment Rizal started to explain himself. Comparing to today’s situation, people are not given the chance to explain their selves because the moment a case has been filed against you they automatically make a decision which usually is for you to lose the case. Nowadays, only those who can afford justice can have justice. People who have enough wealth pay the one assigned for their case to win it whether they deserve it or not.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Famous Quotations from Medea by Euripides
Famous Quotations from Medea by Euripides Medea is the famous play by the Greek, Euripides. To what extent would a mother go? Here are a few quotes from the Greek drama. Flow backward to your sources, sacred rivers,And let the worlds great order be reversed.It is the thoughts of men that are deceitful,Their pledges that are loose.- Euripides, Medea I am afraid of you...You are a clever woman, versed in evil artsAnd are angry at having lost your husbands love.I hear that you are threatening, so they tell me,To do something against my daughter and JasonAnd me too.- Euripides, Medea I have often been the loser.Even now I know that I am making a mistake.- Euripides, Medea Do you think that I would ever have fawned on that manUnless I had some end to gain or profit in it?- Euripides, Medea And when I have ruined the whole of Jasons house,I shall leave the land and flee from the murder of myDear children, and I shall have done a dreadful deed.For it is not bearable to be mocked by enemies.So it must happen. What profit have I in life?I have no land, no home, no refuge from my pain.- Euripides, Medea
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Market Research Analysis - Teens
Recent studies have shown that understanding the complex teenage market is paramount to success in today’s rapidly changing market environment. The teenage market, ages twelve to seventeen, is the fastest growing market segment in America. Today’s teenagers, comprising 26% of the United States population, are spending more money than ever on material goods. A careful examination of this diverse market, specifically teenage girls, ages twelve to seventeen, will provide necessary insight for success. There are an estimated 69.8 million people under age 18 (23 million of whom are teenagers) in the United States, making up 26 percent of the U.S. population. These individuals range in ethnicity; 72.4% white, 12.%1 black, 11.2% Latino, 3.6% Asian American and 0.7% Native American. Teenagers account for almost 31 million Americans and by 2010 it is estimated that this number will reach 35 million. Among Americans under the age of 35, only the teen segment will experience a boom over the next decade, according to Census Bureau estimates. Other youth segments will remain relatively unchanged. In order to successfully market to teenage girls, one must understand the multidimensional profile of teenage girls. The typical teenage girl is spending more than ever, including their own money and money given to them from their parents. These girls spend large amounts of time in groups at malls or other large shopping facilities, discussing anything from school, to boys, to fashion. Also, teenage girls exhibit price insensitivity, that is, they do not focus on the prices of desirable material goods, simply whether or not they are trendy. They are also greatly influenced by media sources, particularly celebrity endorsements. And, finally, teenage girls are on the Internet, shopping, chatting with friends, and becoming acutely aware of today’s fashions, thereby influencing their purchase power. Teenage girls have a high level of dis... Free Essays on Market Research Analysis - Teens Free Essays on Market Research Analysis - Teens Recent studies have shown that understanding the complex teenage market is paramount to success in today’s rapidly changing market environment. The teenage market, ages twelve to seventeen, is the fastest growing market segment in America. Today’s teenagers, comprising 26% of the United States population, are spending more money than ever on material goods. A careful examination of this diverse market, specifically teenage girls, ages twelve to seventeen, will provide necessary insight for success. There are an estimated 69.8 million people under age 18 (23 million of whom are teenagers) in the United States, making up 26 percent of the U.S. population. These individuals range in ethnicity; 72.4% white, 12.%1 black, 11.2% Latino, 3.6% Asian American and 0.7% Native American. Teenagers account for almost 31 million Americans and by 2010 it is estimated that this number will reach 35 million. Among Americans under the age of 35, only the teen segment will experience a boom over the next decade, according to Census Bureau estimates. Other youth segments will remain relatively unchanged. In order to successfully market to teenage girls, one must understand the multidimensional profile of teenage girls. The typical teenage girl is spending more than ever, including their own money and money given to them from their parents. These girls spend large amounts of time in groups at malls or other large shopping facilities, discussing anything from school, to boys, to fashion. Also, teenage girls exhibit price insensitivity, that is, they do not focus on the prices of desirable material goods, simply whether or not they are trendy. They are also greatly influenced by media sources, particularly celebrity endorsements. And, finally, teenage girls are on the Internet, shopping, chatting with friends, and becoming acutely aware of today’s fashions, thereby influencing their purchase power. Teenage girls have a high level of dis...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition of Petitioner in Immigration Law
Definition of Petitioner in Immigration Law In U.S. immigration law, a petitioner is someone who submits a request on behalf of a foreign national to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which, upon approval, allows the foreign national to submit an official visa application. The petitioner must be either an immediate relative (a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident) or a prospective employer. The foreign national on behalf of whom the initial request is submitted is known as the beneficiary. For example, a man, a U.S. citizen, has submitted a petition to USCIS to allow his German wife to come to the United States to live permanently. In the application, the husband is listed as the petitioner and his wife is listed as the beneficiary. Key Takeaways: Immigration Petitioner A petitioner is someone who submits a request on behalf of a foreign national who wishes to immigrate to the United States. The foreign national is known as the beneficiary. Petitions for foreign relatives are made using Form I-130, and petitions for foreign workers are made using Form I-140. Because of green card quotas, petition processing can take anywhere from several months to several years. Petition Forms In U.S. immigration law, there are two forms used by USCIS for petitioners to submit on behalf of foreign nationals. If the petitioner is a relative of the foreign national, Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative needs to be completed. This form asks for information used to establish the relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary, including information about the petitioners parents, spouse(s), place of birth, current address, employment history, and more. If the petitioner is submitting a petition on behalf of a spouse, Form I-130A, Supplemental Information for Spouse Beneficiary must be filled out. If the petitioner is a prospective employer of the foreign national, they should complete Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers. This form asks for information about the beneficiarys skills, last arrival in the United States, place of birth, current address, and more. It also asks for information about the petitioners business and the beneficiarys proposed employment. Once one of these forms has been completed, the petitioner should mail it to the appropriate address (there are separate filing instructions for Form I-130 and Form I-140). To complete this process, the petitioner must also submit a filing fee (as of 2018, the fee is $535 for Form I-130 and $700 for Form I-140). Approval Process Once a petitioner has submitted a request, the document is a reviewed by a USCIS official known as an adjudicator. Forms are reviewed on a first-come, first served basis and can take anywhere from several months to several years to process. Because of U.S. quotas on the number of green cards that can be granted each year, Form I-130 processing times vary based on the relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary. Some immediate relatives, for example- including spouses, parents, and children under 21- are given preference over siblings and adult children. Processing times for the latter can last as long as 10 years. Once a petition is approved, the qualifying foreign national may apply for permanent residency status by submitting Form I-485. This document asks for information about the place of birth, current address, recent immigration history, criminal history, and more. Immigrants who are already in the United States may apply for adjustment of status, while those outside the United States may apply for a green card through the U.S. embassy. If a foreign national is applying for an employment-based visa, they must complete the labor certification process, which is done through the Department of Labor. Once this is complete, the foreign national may apply for a visa. Additional Information About 50,000 visas are available each year through the Green Card Lottery. The lottery has certain entry requirements; for example, applicants must live in a qualifying country, and they must have at least a high school education or two years of work experience. Once a foreign national has been approved and becomes a lawful permanent resident, they have certain rights. These include the right to live and work anywhere in the United States and the guarantee of equal protection under United States law. Lawful permanent residents also have certain responsibilities, including the requirement to report their income to the IRS. Male lawful permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 25 must also register for the Selective Service.
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