Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Edna Manley Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Edna Manley - Essay Example However, her later works were done in clay and cast. The sculptors she made were greatly influenced by the cultural changes taking place in Jamaica at the time. Her art was aimed at reflecting the Jamaican culture and the experiences Jamaicans were undergoing at the time. During the early 1920s, after she had returned to Jamaica from England, Edna realized that Jamaican middle class expected all women to be subjects of their husbands and operate in their shadows. However, she was a keen observer of the Jamaican way of life, and through this observation, she got inspiration for her work. Beadseller is the first bronze casting sculptor she created in 1923. The beadseller was a sharp and lean body depicting a person undergoing hardships. This piece personified the suffering and troubles many people in Jamaica went through. Through her work, Edna also attempted to elevate the status of women in the society. Unlike many other artists at the time, her style mainly centered on women, for instance, in 1928, she created the carving Eve from mahogany. This image had rounded and sensual body forms (Laduke, 37). This piece was recognized as one of Edna’s important works in which she acknowledges the mother of mankind. Through her art, she was able to recognize the role women had in the society. For instance, in her work The Message (1977), Edna shows two women sharing a secret. She claimed that she saw these two women in the market place and knew that it was a secret an older woman tells a younger one. Other works with the theme of older women include Man-Child (1974) and The Ancestor (1974) (Laduke, 37). She was a champion and advocate of the Black Jamaican rights and freedom. Through her works, Edna was able to show the world that Black Jamaicans were capable and ready to make a contribution to the Jamaican society and the world as a whole. These works represented the quest for a new order in the Jamaican society. Two of such
Monday, October 28, 2019
Position of the Music Industry Prior to Introduction of Internet Essay Example for Free
Position of the Music Industry Prior to Introduction of Internet Essay In the music industry prior to the introduction of internet marketing there were different roles being played by different actors of the market. The usual way a product is prepared for market is to contract the artists. The artists who were the content providers record materials which are either their own or provided to them by other writers. This is clearly depicted in the figure below. Traditional Value Chain in the Music Industry Source: John B. Meisel and Timothy S. Sullivan The recordings will be done on the basis of the contracts entered into with the recording companies. Hence the power and control over the supply of the product remained with the record company. The recording company thus would be regarded as the holder of the major item of value in the supply chain being the exclusive rights over the recorded artists’ content. (Hardaker and Graham, 2001) Most of the part of the distribution is in the hands of the record companies and they also retain the rights to select the suppliers. The distribution and supplier selection is based on the record companies’ perception about the quality of the recording and the music, past reputation of the suppliers and the contract price for the recording. In return for the content in the form of recording, the artist is compensated by the provision of promotions for the recording and its merchandising in connection with the sales there of and the distribution of the content as a saleable commodity – CD for example. It was usual in the traditional music industry that the major record companies have their own distribution channels and businesses. Hence it would become necessary for a retailer to source his music products from different sources. Sometimes the retailer may have to place orders with major record companies and up to 20 other firms from the independent sector. The new releases of music albums or other sales of the record companies are usually handled by the wholesalers. If the retailer would like to follow the wholesaler route then he might have to order through only one wholesaler. The main wholesalers also offer another service called ‘rack jobbing’ which is a different method of supply being adopted by them. The function of a rack jobber includes the supply of complete package that contains records and other promotional and display materials. It is also the duty of the wholesaler to keep a regular stock usually on a sale or exchange basis. Just as the advancement in the telecommunication had its effect on all the other sectors from airline reservations to banking and related financial services the music recording industry has also been severely impacted both positively and negatively observes Eric de Fontenay. In fact the impact of internet on the music industry is much more profound than on any other industries. Despite the fact that the entertainment related products and services have taken their own time to develop and take advantage of the improvements in digital technology over the decades, during the intervening period the overall structure of the industry has remained dormant. The reasons for the industry to remain without major changes can be traced to the following reasons: 1. The cost of creation of content has always remained higher and this prohibited any new entrants in to the industry. 2. The structure of content ownership and rights of licensing system remained unaltered thereby keeping the structure of the industry in tact. 3. There has been a continuous necessity for the presence of a distribution network almost everywhere in the world irrespective of the geographical barriers. This has restricted the existing firms to make any changes in the structure. There was no possibility of new firms entering the market in view of the high capital intensive nature. 4. Similarly there had always been a constant scarcity for the distribution networks which also prevented any new forms of distribution or change in the structure of the distribution networks. (Eric de Fontenay) The internet has affected the music industry in so many ways. It has made the industry incur additional costs in completely restructuring itself. Further the internet has reduced the entry barriers. This was possible by a considerable increase in the number of downstream outlets having varied nature. At the same time the internet has provided the actors in the upstream end to enjoy greater control over the aspects of content ownership, production and distribution. This has created a distinct fear in the record labels that they cannot eliminate the possibility of getting bypassed by both the markets in the downstream and upstream. This impact has created the following reaction on the part of the traditional industry actors. They tried to impose the existing rules and procedures to the new medium so that they could exercise the same leverage and control over the market. The process by which they attempted to do it involves a twin aspects strategic approach. At one end they used legal channels to restrict the availability and use of the new technology in the Industry. On the other end they adopted new technologies to tackle the potential legal threats that would affect the control derived by them from the traditional systems. This strategy backfired and left them high and dry in the market while new information technology players like AOL, Microsoft, E Music and MP3 took advantage of the stalemate. They reacted aggressively by building their infrastructure and systems for the online marketing and distribution of music. They also involved themselves in the retailing of music over internet. The distribution of revenues in the music industry involves the portion of the performer. As per the contract terms the performer is to be paid a portion of the revenue each time there is a sale of the record. Before the money is paid to the performer the revenue is to be apportioned towards the expenses incurred by the company for marketing and distribution. This gives an opportunity for the artists to earn considerable amounts from the sale of products. For gaining maximum revenue the artists should control the publishing rights to their songs or they have the capacity to negotiate contracts with terms that are favourable to the artists. In the case of revenue distribution Internet has its impact on the industry in the following respects.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Tragedy of Isolation Exposed in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men :: Steinbeck Of Mice and Men Essays
The Tragedy of Isolation Exposed in Of Mice and Men  The Great Depression of the 1930's was a tumultuous time. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes and means of unemployment. Whole families would roam the country, desperate for food and a place to rest, struggling to survive. There were also many men who tramped across America alone, searching for menial jobs to keep them alive another month. John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men details the lives of several such men and shows that the principle quest of so many was not money or things that money can buy. Rather, whether they were travelling from one job to another or employed in some capacity, the vast majority of the wandering laborers were searching for human companionship and reassurance that they were not alone to fend for themselves- something very few of them actually found. It was not merely the migrant workers who felt detached form the world- even the boss's son Curley was manifestly desperate for real companionship. Curley's biggest obstacle was himself, as he possessed simultaneously an enormous ego and very little self-esteem. As the son of the owner of a large ranch, Curley had considerable power over the men who worked there, and he chose to abuse that power rather that try to befriend those who were beneath him. Unable to realize that constantly picking fights would do little to combat his loneliness, Curley pounced upon everyone who looked at him funny as an excuse to vent his frustration at being friendless and hated. He could not love his wife because that would mean breaking down the barrier of pride he had constructed, and so he perpetuated the cycle of loneliness both in himself and others. And what of Curley's wife? Nameless, she epitomizes the wife displayed as a trophy by a status-conscious husband, whether he is a prominent politician, a millionaire, or the son of a ranch owner. It is tragic that two individuals so alone in the world could be thrown together by fate and succeed only in strengthening each others' isolation, and that is often the case. Curley lived his life picking fights or discussing future ones, while his wife, desperate for meaningful attention, flirts with all the ranch hands. She sought out Lennie and the others in Crooks's room for conversation in desperation, hoping for companionship yet dooming it from the start by her arrogance and unwillingness to concede that, to be truly happy, she must bend a little.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Internet, Technology, and Privacy Essay -- privacy on the web, grow
Privacy on the Web has become a growing concern among Americans' due to tracking and social profiling of users' and their online habits. Government, businesses, web platforms and their advertisers are collecting users' online data on a daily basis through various techniques which could be used for study, security, and economic advantage. According to â€Å"The Danger of Big Data: Social Media as Computational Social Science,†smaller bits of user shared data can potentially be combined together to reveal information that could be damaging to a group or individual in which they may view as an invasion of their privacy. The capacity to collect and analyze such data can become a concern when that information is made available to businesses and government. With a lack of disclosure on how the users' data is being gathered and analyzed with a difficulty in knowing which pieces of the data shared could later prove damaging, many users' may not be aware of the potential adverse effects of the information they share online. [1][2] Social media networks gather and analyze large amounts of data on their users' to build a detailed social graph to better target advertisements, which can create an ethical dilemma in what constitutes as sensitive user information and how that could vary between different users'. In one case that called for class-action lawsuits in the U.S was how Facebook would keep track of its users and the websites they visited via the â€Å"Like,†and â€Å"Recommendations,†buttons that many web sites include for social and sharing purposes. Facebook was notified every time a user would access a website that had a â€Å"Like†button, even if the button wasn't clicked or the user logged into their Facebook account. [3] Due to the accuracy... [9] The Day The World Fought Back [10] Information Commissioner's Office: Cookies [11] All About Cookies [12] Target retail Additional references used in study. The Future of Big Data Younger Generation Embracing A New View of Privacy How Companies Learn Your Secrets
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reaction Paper: Jose Rizal Movie
While watching the movie, I have observed similarities and differences of some scenes from today’s youth. Let’s start discussing about the similarities. First thing I have observed is the harsh treatment given by the colonials to our fellowmen especially to women and children. They, if not physically, were verbally abused by the Spaniards. I compared it to what’s happening in our society today and quite noticed a similarity. It is similar in a way that women and children, even the men too, are still abused by foreign people and sometimes even our own people. They also treat them as slaves.Child labor – forcing minors to work – has been a big issue. Women slavery – treating women as slaves, sex slaves to be exact – has been an issue too. Nowadays, our people are still abused and these are oftentimes done by those who have the power like politicians and other well-illustrated persons. They think that with their wealth and position they h ave the right to hurt our fellowmen. Even a small mistake or a suspicion causes the people who have the power to physically abuse our fellowmen because for them that’s how they should be treated after what they have done.Next thing I have observed is the racial discrimination. As we have discussed in class, it is one of the evils during Rizal’s time. Filipinos who were flat-nosed and brown-skinned were labeled as â€Å"Indios†and the Spaniards being pale-complexioned were termed as â€Å"Bangus†or milkfish in English. The Filipinos who were called â€Å"Indios†had little privileges unlike the â€Å"Milkfish†people who had most of the privileges to themselves. The Spaniards look at them like they were as tiny as an ant and they were of no importance to them. Foreign people thought that they were superiors against the Filipinos.They criticize them based on how they look and they treat them rudely based on how rude their criticism on their looks is. There were different beliefs in anointing officials in where Spaniards have believed that Indios should not be allowed and do not deserve to be given a position in any fields because for them they do not make any contributions that would benefit our country. Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamora’s (GomBurZa) execution was an example of how Spaniards hated the fact that Indios are given a chance to serve the country.For Spaniards, they were the only one who should have all the rights and freedom to do whatever they like and no one should be against them for if there was they would be killed. Third thing I have observed in the film was the greediness of the Spaniards for power. They wanted to be anointed immediately to a position where they have more ability to control the Filipinos. And once they have the power to do things, they start to abuse it. The Spaniards had never been in favor of what the Filipinos like.Actually, they were in favor of what the Filipinos disliked. Once they hear our fellowmen reacting rudely at their deeds, they start to make their lives miserable to let them know that they are not to be messed with. Spaniards’ greed for power made them abuse their rights. They used their position to access more power which made the control more people. It is the same today. People still use their position to manipulate us. They are superior, they have the power, and they can do anything they like. So, what they do is they treat us rudely.For example, policemen nowadays use their position to hurt and get money from our fellowmen. They abuse their right to use materials which they should only use for defense. Another example is when a politician uses his position to manipulate people. They start to make people believe that their intentions are good but the truth is at the end of the day it is not. So what happens, people trust them because they appear so nice and tend to do what they’ve been told. Since they trust these politici ans, they will not question the things they’ve been told to do.Then later on, it will turn out that they were used by these politicians for their own gain and not for our fellowmen’s sake. A common example of this is when politicians promise a program to our people. They start trying to gain their trust. Once they have gained our fellowmen’s trust, they start to ask for favors like asking them to some deeds, some which are illegal, and ask them for money. Our fellowmen will willingly oblige to what they have been asked for believing that it would benefit them.But sometimes, they do what they have been told because they are forced by these men who have the power to do so. Fourth thing I have observed is the maladministration of justice e. In the movie, it was pretty obvious that the trial was just a scene so that our fellowmen would think that the Spaniards would still give Rizal a chance when in fact a decision has been made before the trial. The Spaniards were very firm about their decision which was to execute Rizal. There was no justice there because Rizal was not given a chance to explain and prove to everyone that he was innocent.The Spaniards looked like they were in the trial listening but actually they turned into deaf the moment Rizal started to explain himself. Comparing to today’s situation, people are not given the chance to explain their selves because the moment a case has been filed against you they automatically make a decision which usually is for you to lose the case. Nowadays, only those who can afford justice can have justice. People who have enough wealth pay the one assigned for their case to win it whether they deserve it or not.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Famous Quotations from Medea by Euripides
Famous Quotations from Medea by Euripides Medea is the famous play by the Greek, Euripides. To what extent would a mother go? Here are a few quotes from the Greek drama. Flow backward to your sources, sacred rivers,And let the worlds great order be reversed.It is the thoughts of men that are deceitful,Their pledges that are loose.- Euripides, Medea I am afraid of you...You are a clever woman, versed in evil artsAnd are angry at having lost your husbands love.I hear that you are threatening, so they tell me,To do something against my daughter and JasonAnd me too.- Euripides, Medea I have often been the loser.Even now I know that I am making a mistake.- Euripides, Medea Do you think that I would ever have fawned on that manUnless I had some end to gain or profit in it?- Euripides, Medea And when I have ruined the whole of Jasons house,I shall leave the land and flee from the murder of myDear children, and I shall have done a dreadful deed.For it is not bearable to be mocked by enemies.So it must happen. What profit have I in life?I have no land, no home, no refuge from my pain.- Euripides, Medea
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Market Research Analysis - Teens
Recent studies have shown that understanding the complex teenage market is paramount to success in today’s rapidly changing market environment. The teenage market, ages twelve to seventeen, is the fastest growing market segment in America. Today’s teenagers, comprising 26% of the United States population, are spending more money than ever on material goods. A careful examination of this diverse market, specifically teenage girls, ages twelve to seventeen, will provide necessary insight for success. There are an estimated 69.8 million people under age 18 (23 million of whom are teenagers) in the United States, making up 26 percent of the U.S. population. These individuals range in ethnicity; 72.4% white, 12.%1 black, 11.2% Latino, 3.6% Asian American and 0.7% Native American. Teenagers account for almost 31 million Americans and by 2010 it is estimated that this number will reach 35 million. Among Americans under the age of 35, only the teen segment will experience a boom over the next decade, according to Census Bureau estimates. Other youth segments will remain relatively unchanged. In order to successfully market to teenage girls, one must understand the multidimensional profile of teenage girls. The typical teenage girl is spending more than ever, including their own money and money given to them from their parents. These girls spend large amounts of time in groups at malls or other large shopping facilities, discussing anything from school, to boys, to fashion. Also, teenage girls exhibit price insensitivity, that is, they do not focus on the prices of desirable material goods, simply whether or not they are trendy. They are also greatly influenced by media sources, particularly celebrity endorsements. And, finally, teenage girls are on the Internet, shopping, chatting with friends, and becoming acutely aware of today’s fashions, thereby influencing their purchase power. Teenage girls have a high level of dis... Free Essays on Market Research Analysis - Teens Free Essays on Market Research Analysis - Teens Recent studies have shown that understanding the complex teenage market is paramount to success in today’s rapidly changing market environment. The teenage market, ages twelve to seventeen, is the fastest growing market segment in America. Today’s teenagers, comprising 26% of the United States population, are spending more money than ever on material goods. A careful examination of this diverse market, specifically teenage girls, ages twelve to seventeen, will provide necessary insight for success. There are an estimated 69.8 million people under age 18 (23 million of whom are teenagers) in the United States, making up 26 percent of the U.S. population. These individuals range in ethnicity; 72.4% white, 12.%1 black, 11.2% Latino, 3.6% Asian American and 0.7% Native American. Teenagers account for almost 31 million Americans and by 2010 it is estimated that this number will reach 35 million. Among Americans under the age of 35, only the teen segment will experience a boom over the next decade, according to Census Bureau estimates. Other youth segments will remain relatively unchanged. In order to successfully market to teenage girls, one must understand the multidimensional profile of teenage girls. The typical teenage girl is spending more than ever, including their own money and money given to them from their parents. These girls spend large amounts of time in groups at malls or other large shopping facilities, discussing anything from school, to boys, to fashion. Also, teenage girls exhibit price insensitivity, that is, they do not focus on the prices of desirable material goods, simply whether or not they are trendy. They are also greatly influenced by media sources, particularly celebrity endorsements. And, finally, teenage girls are on the Internet, shopping, chatting with friends, and becoming acutely aware of today’s fashions, thereby influencing their purchase power. Teenage girls have a high level of dis...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Definition of Petitioner in Immigration Law
Definition of Petitioner in Immigration Law In U.S. immigration law, a petitioner is someone who submits a request on behalf of a foreign national to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which, upon approval, allows the foreign national to submit an official visa application. The petitioner must be either an immediate relative (a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident) or a prospective employer. The foreign national on behalf of whom the initial request is submitted is known as the beneficiary. For example, a man, a U.S. citizen, has submitted a petition to USCIS to allow his German wife to come to the United States to live permanently. In the application, the husband is listed as the petitioner and his wife is listed as the beneficiary. Key Takeaways: Immigration Petitioner A petitioner is someone who submits a request on behalf of a foreign national who wishes to immigrate to the United States. The foreign national is known as the beneficiary. Petitions for foreign relatives are made using Form I-130, and petitions for foreign workers are made using Form I-140. Because of green card quotas, petition processing can take anywhere from several months to several years. Petition Forms In U.S. immigration law, there are two forms used by USCIS for petitioners to submit on behalf of foreign nationals. If the petitioner is a relative of the foreign national, Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative needs to be completed. This form asks for information used to establish the relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary, including information about the petitioners parents, spouse(s), place of birth, current address, employment history, and more. If the petitioner is submitting a petition on behalf of a spouse, Form I-130A, Supplemental Information for Spouse Beneficiary must be filled out. If the petitioner is a prospective employer of the foreign national, they should complete Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers. This form asks for information about the beneficiarys skills, last arrival in the United States, place of birth, current address, and more. It also asks for information about the petitioners business and the beneficiarys proposed employment. Once one of these forms has been completed, the petitioner should mail it to the appropriate address (there are separate filing instructions for Form I-130 and Form I-140). To complete this process, the petitioner must also submit a filing fee (as of 2018, the fee is $535 for Form I-130 and $700 for Form I-140). Approval Process Once a petitioner has submitted a request, the document is a reviewed by a USCIS official known as an adjudicator. Forms are reviewed on a first-come, first served basis and can take anywhere from several months to several years to process. Because of U.S. quotas on the number of green cards that can be granted each year, Form I-130 processing times vary based on the relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary. Some immediate relatives, for example- including spouses, parents, and children under 21- are given preference over siblings and adult children. Processing times for the latter can last as long as 10 years. Once a petition is approved, the qualifying foreign national may apply for permanent residency status by submitting Form I-485. This document asks for information about the place of birth, current address, recent immigration history, criminal history, and more. Immigrants who are already in the United States may apply for adjustment of status, while those outside the United States may apply for a green card through the U.S. embassy. If a foreign national is applying for an employment-based visa, they must complete the labor certification process, which is done through the Department of Labor. Once this is complete, the foreign national may apply for a visa. Additional Information About 50,000 visas are available each year through the Green Card Lottery. The lottery has certain entry requirements; for example, applicants must live in a qualifying country, and they must have at least a high school education or two years of work experience. Once a foreign national has been approved and becomes a lawful permanent resident, they have certain rights. These include the right to live and work anywhere in the United States and the guarantee of equal protection under United States law. Lawful permanent residents also have certain responsibilities, including the requirement to report their income to the IRS. Male lawful permanent residents between the ages of 18 and 25 must also register for the Selective Service.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Barbara Ehenreichs The Roots of War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Barbara Ehenreichs The Roots of War - Essay Example Here, the chain of events elucidated in the writing is closely related to the notion of warfare by human beings. By drawing many cause and effects of warfare, Ehenreich attempts to challenge many of the prevailing understandings of war. In the very introductory paragraph of her paper itself, she negates some of the widespread misunderstandings on war such as the ideas that ‘war is essentially human’, war is essentially modern capitalist’ and war is instinctual’. War is mysterious. It stems from mysteries and it mystifies. There exist hundreds of misconceptions about war. Many people think that war is unique to human species. The proverbial saying goes that even animals do not kill except for food. According to Barbara Ehenreich, â€Å"there are [o]nly three types of creatures engage in warfare- humans, chimpanzees and ants†(598). Is tendency to go for war part of our genome make up? Feminists for long thought that it is testosterone that makes men wa r prone. War is not new to the human society. War prevails in all kinds of societies from primitive hunter-gatherers to modern capitalist ones. The first cause/effect assertion by the writer is that war is not equal to violence because violence is just part of it. It is a reductionism to say that war is equal to violence. No, war is greater than violence.
Friday, October 18, 2019
HACCP in temperature conrolled transport Assignment
HACCP in temperature conrolled transport - Assignment Example Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a preventive measure in food supply chain that Identify potential biological, chemical and physical hazards in the food production and distribution process and goes further to design preventive measures to eliminate or reduce these hazards to acceptable levels. In this regard, HACCP is a preventive measure rather than a corrective measure. Production and distribution of food involves a number of processes that are required to eliminate or prevent reintroduction of food hazards through post contamination. Activities during transportation are even critical because most food products leave the factories when several analyses have been done and food that meet the quality and safety parameters are released to the market. It is therefore important for food transporters to ensure no potential hazards are reintroduced in foods during transport. This principle forms the basis for implementation of HACCP system in a temperature controlled trans port. Multidisciplinary approach is the key to successful implementation of HACCP system for temperature controlled transport. This approach should appropriately include: production, chemistry, food technology, engineering, microbiology, agronomy and public health expertise. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) System is a food safety management system thus should allow transporters whether small or large to identify and manage all hazards that would pose danger to food during transportation. ... It is important to note that these are the key activities involved with regard to logical sequence of HACCP principles. HACCP Team Formation The development and maintenance of an effective HACCP system depends mainly on the management team. Assemblage of the HACCP team is the first stage in implementation. The team should consist of people and individuals with appropriate multidisciplinary expertise. HACCP team for temperature controlled transport must consists of expertise from engineering, food technology, production, logistics and transport, food microbiology, food chemistry, food packaging and storage, food toxicology and food quality assurance (Surak & Wilson 2007 p.8). The composition of HACCP team is very critical in identification of all potential hazards and putting the right control measures. However, if for example a transport company is not able to avail expertise from these disciplines, it is recommended that the company seeks for advice from independent experts. The HAC CP team also plays a key role in identification of the scope which for this case is transport and storage of food thus hazards covered here would be within the scope. Product Description and the Intended Use The HACCP team should then describe the products in full and must include all relevant information about safety including physical, chemical and microbiological properties, composition, chemical structure such as water activity and pH, storage conditions and the expiry dates. A full description should also include any form of treatments such as brining, freezing, thermal treatment, smoking and the methods of storage and distribution. However, when the controlled temperature transport system caters for different products, this description can
Business Culture of Albania and Italy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Culture of Albania and Italy - Essay Example The researcher states that language is regarded as an important part of business dealings as communication is the backbone of successful business negotiations. In case of Albania, it has been found that most government officials speak English, but the same thing cannot be said about people employed in the private sector. Use of interpreters or translators is a commonplace business practice. In case of Italy, English is also the most commonly spoken foreign language. In Italy, use of body language is as important as hand gestures and personal contacts are as dominant as speech. Avoiding excessive use of body language may be considered as an unfriendly attitude, which can, therefore, harm the business. This practice is not found in Albania. Given the difference in the official language of the two countries, need for translators will be inevitable to carry business if English is not spoken. In this case, it can be stated that misinterpretations of non-verbal gestures like, hand gestures , may act as severe intercultural communication barrier between Italy and Albania as Italians tend to use more such gestures. It has been observed that time is not considered to be an important parameter in case of Albania, but is quite important for Italy. Punctuality has been regarded as an important parameter in inter-cultural business. This is because punctuality has the notable influence on the social behavior. It is noticed that Italians expect a formal explanation if there is any delay in the business meeting and such a habit is condemnable. However, the social attitude of people in Albania makes punctuality an obsolete requirement. So, in case of business dealings between companies of these countries, it is important for the Albanians to be more particular about the time factor. Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Managerial Economics Resit Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managerial Economics Resit Assignment - Essay Example However, in a free market economy, price is highly influenced by the market forces of demand and supply and the utility or the value customers are expecting from a commodity is also influenced by these market forces. This paper addresses factors that determine the price of computers in a free market and explain why computer price has continued to fall even while the demand constantly increased. Price determinants of computer in free market Free market is a market system with few government restrictions on how a product or service can be produced and marketed or on how a factor of production can be employed (Kates, 2011). Government in all other market systems do intervene in matters regarding how a good or service can be produced and marketed and how factors of production such as land, labor, capital and organization can be employed more than in the case of free market. As there are relatively few government restrictions in countries like United States and Canada, their economies are said to be closer to free-market economy. In a free market economy, price is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. Consumers are willing to pay for a goods or service only if they are worth the price. Similarly, suppliers are ready to produce and market only if consumers are ready to pay for them. Market equilibrium occurs when market demand and supply are equal and this is how the price of a commodity is determined. Thus, value or utility of the commodity and willingness to pay are significant factors that determine the demand and supply forces in the market. In a free market mechanism, price is never affected by outside forces such as government restrictions. The resources are allocated by the spending decisions of millions of consumers and producers. As governments place no or relatively very less restrictions on what can be bought and sold, owners of factors of production and producers of goods and services have fuller right to buy and sell whatever they own thr ough the market system. When it comes to computers in a free-market, the price is determined according to the demand and supply forces. As depicted in the table and graph below, price of computers in a free market is determined in the equilibrium point where the demand for computers and its supply intersect. When price of the computers areas lower as 10,000 or 15,000, the demand may increase to 60 and 50 respectively and the supply will reduce to 20 and 30 respectively. As the table shows, there is only one price of shifts ($ 20,000) where the market is in equilibrium. Quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied at 40, 000 computers. At all other states, the market price is in disequilibrium wherein supply of computers and demand for computers are in a state of imbalance. Disequilibrium occurs either when the demand exceeds supply or the supply exceeds the demand for computers. Price per computer $ Demand (000 computers) Supply (000 computers) Market position Effects on price 10 ,000 60 20 Shortage Rise 15,000 50 30 Shortage Rise 20,000 40 40 Equilibrium Stable 25,000 30 50 Surplus Fall 30,000 20 60 Surplus Fall 35,000 10 70 Surplus Fall As far as computers in free-market mechanism is considered, government will not intervene in resource allocation. In other economic systems, governments may choose to interfere in the price mechanism mainly because they want to control,
HRM(see below my topic) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
HRM(see below my topic) - Essay Example The size of the labor market, the image of a company, the place of posting, the nature of job, the compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner in which job aspirants are likely to respond to the recruiting efforts of a company. Through the process of recruitment, a company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting thus, provides a pool of applicants for selection. (i) Transfer. It involves the shifting of an employee from one job to a one department to another or from one shift to another. Transfer is a good source of filling vacancies with employees from overstaffed departments or shifts. at the time of transfer, it should be ensured that the employee to be transferred to another .job is capable of performing it. In fact, transfer does not involve any drastic change in the responsibilities, pay and status of the employee. Transfers or job rotations are also used for training of employees in learning different jobs. (ii) Promotion. It leads to shifting an employee to a higher position, carrying higher responsibilities, facilities, status and pay. Many companies follow the practice of filling higher jobs by promoting employees who are considered fit for such positions. Filling vacancies in higher jobs from within the organization has the benefit of motivating the existing employees. It has a great psychological impact over the employees because a promotion at the higher level may lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels in the organization(Rao, 2005, p-148) Why should Internal Sources be used Filling vacancies in higher jobs from within the organization or through internal transfers has the following merits (Braver, 1998, p15-16): Employees are motivated to improve their performance. Morale of the employees is increased. Industrial peace prevails in the enterprise because of promotional avenues. Filling of jobs internally is cheaper as compared to getting candidates from external sources. A promotion at a higher level may lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels in the organization. This motivates the employees to improve their performance through learning and practice. Transfer or job rotation is a tool of training the employees to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Managerial Economics Resit Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Managerial Economics Resit Assignment - Essay Example However, in a free market economy, price is highly influenced by the market forces of demand and supply and the utility or the value customers are expecting from a commodity is also influenced by these market forces. This paper addresses factors that determine the price of computers in a free market and explain why computer price has continued to fall even while the demand constantly increased. Price determinants of computer in free market Free market is a market system with few government restrictions on how a product or service can be produced and marketed or on how a factor of production can be employed (Kates, 2011). Government in all other market systems do intervene in matters regarding how a good or service can be produced and marketed and how factors of production such as land, labor, capital and organization can be employed more than in the case of free market. As there are relatively few government restrictions in countries like United States and Canada, their economies are said to be closer to free-market economy. In a free market economy, price is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. Consumers are willing to pay for a goods or service only if they are worth the price. Similarly, suppliers are ready to produce and market only if consumers are ready to pay for them. Market equilibrium occurs when market demand and supply are equal and this is how the price of a commodity is determined. Thus, value or utility of the commodity and willingness to pay are significant factors that determine the demand and supply forces in the market. In a free market mechanism, price is never affected by outside forces such as government restrictions. The resources are allocated by the spending decisions of millions of consumers and producers. As governments place no or relatively very less restrictions on what can be bought and sold, owners of factors of production and producers of goods and services have fuller right to buy and sell whatever they own thr ough the market system. When it comes to computers in a free-market, the price is determined according to the demand and supply forces. As depicted in the table and graph below, price of computers in a free market is determined in the equilibrium point where the demand for computers and its supply intersect. When price of the computers areas lower as 10,000 or 15,000, the demand may increase to 60 and 50 respectively and the supply will reduce to 20 and 30 respectively. As the table shows, there is only one price of shifts ($ 20,000) where the market is in equilibrium. Quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied at 40, 000 computers. At all other states, the market price is in disequilibrium wherein supply of computers and demand for computers are in a state of imbalance. Disequilibrium occurs either when the demand exceeds supply or the supply exceeds the demand for computers. Price per computer $ Demand (000 computers) Supply (000 computers) Market position Effects on price 10 ,000 60 20 Shortage Rise 15,000 50 30 Shortage Rise 20,000 40 40 Equilibrium Stable 25,000 30 50 Surplus Fall 30,000 20 60 Surplus Fall 35,000 10 70 Surplus Fall As far as computers in free-market mechanism is considered, government will not intervene in resource allocation. In other economic systems, governments may choose to interfere in the price mechanism mainly because they want to control,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Philosophy Statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Philosophy Statement - Assignment Example eedback from students, evaluating unique academic performance, motivating and addressing weaknesses, and reporting to authorized personnel (school administrators, parents, care givers) the outcomes of academic reviews and performance of students, as required. Roles/Responsibilities of the Learner: Learners have roles and responsibilities that are diverse and multidimensional. Learners are expected to assume the roles of active participants, as collaborative members of the learning environment, as a source for constructive feedback. Their responsibilities include â€Å"dialogue and interactions with peers and teachers, practical investigations, performances, oral presentations and discussions†(Education Scotland, n.d., p. 1), among others. Beliefs about Teaching: Good teaching is viewed as being able to practice what one preaches. By being a role model to students, good teachers could effectively impart lessons that could be emulated by students through the values and manifestations of actions that are consistent with good morals and ethical codes of conduct. On the other hand, bad teaching simply exhibits actions and delivery of academic information that are contrary to the standards of ethical and moral practices expected of the profession. Beliefs about Learning: Learning happens in progressive stages and could be enforced through motivating students in a conducive learning environment. Learning is most effective when teachers design strategies that encourage participation of students and acknowledge their contribution to the learning environment. Prejudice, discrimination, restricting encouragement and freedom of expression and exhibiting inequality across gender, ethnic and cultural background definitely make learning less effective. Applications in Language Classroom: Given the beliefs and philosophies in teaching, one would strive to promote equality and the integration of diversity in culture in one’s language classroom to focus on the unique
Commentaries on Catullus Poetry (Poems 72 & 42) Essay Example for Free
Commentaries on Catullus Poetry (Poems 72 42) Essay There is great nuance and sensitivity in poem 72. We are told very early in the poem that it is addressed to Lesbia, Catullus love to whom a moderate number of poems in the collection are addressed (or concern). Earlier Lesbia poems had shown Catullus simple and insatiable love for my girl1 in very romantic language: for example, the lines describing the number of times he wished that they could kiss, in poem 5, which caused Aurelius and Furius to describe Catullus as a sissy poet2. However, in poem 70 we begin to see Catullus feelings for Lesbia turn sour as he tells us that a womans words to her lover are as trustworthy as those written on wind or water after presumably disbelieving her when she told him that there was no one she would rather marry than him, not even if asked by Jove himself3. If we assume that Lesbia was Clodia Metelli, we know that she was already married, so if her words are not suggesting that she has become available, she must be describing an unfulfillable wish and it is perhaps the fact that she says these words but is unable to act on her marriage vow which causes Catullus to be so untrusting4. Compared to the outbursts of joy and fury in the poems of what has been described as the first book, poem 72 is much cooler and more analytical5: Catullus here seems to be writing from his head rather than this heart. He uses, in the poem, two striking, and contrasting, similes to try to understand his love for Lesbia. He loved her (note the past tense) as a common might love his girlfriend (72.3), but in addition to that he loved her also as a father might his sons and sons-in-law (72.4). This is touching because it obviously implies that the latter relationship might be closer, with more of a connection, than the former, and, most importantly, that Lesbia was as dear to him as a son would have been, his own flesh and blood. Wray finds this comparison interesting because it is evidence against the long-standing assumption that Roman paternity was a tyrannical and grimly loveless exercise [of parental power]6 However, from here on in, the tone of love and affection darkens to one of cynicism. Now that he knows Lesbia he is has less affection for the woman. Catullus uses the language of obligation and Lesbia, as he sees it, has wronged him7. The poem ends with the enigmatic but powerful statement that, because of the hurt she has caused him, Catullus loves Lesbia more, but likes her less. At first, this may seem like nonsense and a contradiction in terms. However, when Catullus uses the verb amare (to love) he is describing his attraction to her, a kind of lust or natural allure, something that he seemingly has no control over. As much, then, as he does not like Lesbia for what she has put him through (i.e. her adultery), his love for her remains from the simpler time when he wished to kiss you just so many kisses (7.9) Poem 85 is where Catullus perhaps expresses the ambiguity and seeming contradiction inherent in his feelings best: I hate and I love. Perhaps youre asking why I do that? I dont know, but I feel it happening, and am racked. We can again see here clearly that Catullus is less a master than a subject8 of his emotions. The fact that he paints himself as being so emotionally powerless gives such poems as these a tragic quality; it also, arguably, helps to make Catullus such a universal poet who can still touch people through the ages. Poem 73 also carries some of the injustice that Catullus had expressed in 72: the attack on a friend who is probably Rufus (though we do not realise that the poem is addressed to him until it becomes evident later in the collection) is because he has returned honest kindness with no more than ingratitude. We now realise why the lampoons on Rufus alternated with Lesbia-poems at 69-72.9 This whole section of Catullus collection is a study of betrayal and adverse emotions. In the very first line of poem 72, Catullus talks about himself in the third-person, and this seems to be a literary device which emphasises the fact that he is not in control: it is Lesbia (and her actions) who is the subject of the poem. By declaring that his passion is more intense (72.5) Catullus leads us to think that he is about to, also, tell us how much he therefore loves Lesbia. However, by introducing the dichotomy in the last line between his love and dislike for Lesbia, our expectations are finally overthrown, which makes the contrast seem to be huge. It is by means of literary effects such as these that Catullus manages to express the almost inexpressible nuance of his emotion. This poem, ultimately, is most successful when read as part of the collection, as one can then draw links between the subtle issues in the Lesbia poems and see the complex web of emotions that Catullus paints for us. The development from a romantic, devoting relationship between Lesbia and Catullus to the trauma of that relationship breaking down is fascinating, and may reflect the emotions of millions of people alive today in similar situations. Poem XLII This poem is perhaps most interesting because it in itself can be seen as an imitation of the Roman practice of flagitatio10, which was a form of popular justice involving a crowd surrounding the man suspected of wrongdoing (or his house) whilst shouting roughly rhythmical phrases in unflattering language, demanding redress11. This was a very effective tactic because in a small community fear of defamation was strong; though it did, of course, rely on having friends willing to engage in the practice in order for what was seen as justice to be done. In this case, Catullus tells us that the crime was the theft of a notebook and the subsequent refusal to return it12. We can only speculate about the girl who stole them (though it has been inferred from the fact that she is described as an adulteress13 that she may well be Lesbia) and we also have just as little knowledge about what Catullus stolen notebook may have contained (and why it seems to be so precious to him): we may guess that it contained poetry, but that is no more than a guess. If that were true, the first two lines would contain a sweet irony: Catullus deploys poetry himself, hendecasyllables, as his flagitatio mob. He orders the hendecasyllables to come from everywhere (42.2), to metaphorically surround her. The image is an intimidating one: the lines of poetry have become men enclosing in on the suspect, shouting about her crime. When Catullus demands, Dirty adulteress, give back the notebook. Give back the notebook, dirty adulteress (42.11-12), he is using a technique common to flagitatio: the reversal of word order belonged to a very old popular custom as a means of intensifying the demand14. Catullus readership, we can surely assume, would have been aware of such devices and would at once have understood what Catullus was doing. Between the demands for the notebook, there is much invective and abuse hurled at the girl. Catullus tells us that she has an ugly gait, a face like a Gallican puppys (42.9) and is a filthy trollop (42.13) and a brazen bitch-face (42.17). Newman describes this as a fine example of carnival caricature included for primarily humorous effect15. However, it is not hard to see how these lines could be intended to have a hurtful effect, too, shaming the thief into repentance. Catullus is also all too aware of his social superiority10 and may simply be arrogantly showing his self-importance by making such a fuss over the loss of his notebook. This idea can be seen in, for example, poem 84, in which Catullus mocks Arrius incorrect use of aspirates which is surely caused by the politicians less privileged upbringing: Catullus attack, in this case as could be argued is the case in poem 42, is really then a display of his own aristocratic superiority. There is also a general link with poems such as 46, in which Catullus advertises his social status by documenting his travels with a sense of entitlement to faraway Roman lands. Perhaps the most pleasing feature of this poem is its conclusion. After all the fortissimo shouting, invective and carmina (chanting typical of flagitatio16), Catullus decides that he needs to change tone and tactics (42.22). He thus, seemingly sarcastically, ends the poem by asking for the notebook not by calling her a dirty adulteress but a virtuous lady (42.24), as we see that his invective has, somewhat comically, failed in its objective. On the other hand, the last line could more literally be interpreted as an acknowledgement of the flaws of this kind of public system of obtaining restitution. It does not seem unlikely that the girl would have responded more positively to flattery than flagitatio: Catullus could thus be making a wider point about the role of invective in society. The poem, in the collection, sits between invective poems on either side of it, with the previous three poems containing invective, some quite rude and obscene: in poem 43, for example, Mamurras mistress is described as being ugly from head to toe and, in poem 41, Ameana is called the female fuck-up. Perhaps, then, poem 42 is in the perfect location to show Catullus invective being tempered: it is in that poem that he shows that such anger does not always produce the desired effects. In poems 41 and 43, however, we are not shown any consequences of Catullus airing his opinions. We are simply told, in each, that there is an ugly girl in whom he is not interested: there is not intended to be the nuance and comedy value that poem 42 contains. To conclude, Catullus adopting the form of flagitatio for this poem underscores the poets association with the traditional purposes and values inherent in Roman invective17; not only does he derive authority from the tradition of the technique, but it also allows him to attack her harshly and eloquently. However, ultimately, he couldnt force a blush from, in Catullus words, the brazen bitch-face. We, therefore, see the limitations of invective: perhaps Catullus is admitting to us that we should see it as little more than entertainment. More importantly, though, the twist at the end of the poem is of stylistic and comedic value and can, perhaps, be said to show Catullus eloquence. Moreover, the fact that he feels no qualms at using such openly offensive language can be attributed to the fact that Romans would surely have sympathised with his demands for justice in face of a thief and may, also, be a reflection of his superior social status (not to mention the lower regard with which women were held generally) and consequent security in his right to show his anger in whatever way that he pleased. Ultimately, the poem makes character assassination into an appealing and technically adept art. Bibliography Dyson, J.T. (2007). The Lesbia Poems, in M.B. Skinner (ed.), A Companion to Catullus (Oxford) 254-275. Fitzgerald, W. (1999). Catullan Provocations: Lyric Poetry and the Drama of Position. London. Fraenkel, E. (1961). Catullus XLII, in J.H. Gaisser (ed.), Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Catullus (Oxford) 356-368. Newman, J.K. (1990). Roman Catullus. Bodenheim. Selden, D.L. (1992). Catullus and the Rhetoric of Performance, in J.H. Gaisser (ed.), Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Catullus (Oxford) 490-559. Tatum, W.J. (2007). Social Commentary and Political Invective, in M.B. Skinner, A Companion to Catullus (Oxford) 333-354. Wiseman, T.P. (1985). Catullus and his World: A Reappraisal. Cambridge. Wray, D. (2001). Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood. Cambridge. 1 Catullus 2.1. 2 cf. Catullus 16. 3 Catullus 70.2. 4 Dyson (2007) 269. 5 Wiseman (1985) 166. 6 Wray (2001) 112. 7 Fitzgerald (1999) 117. 8 Selden (1992) 541. 9 Wiseman (1985) 167. 10 Fitzgerald (1999) 62. 11 Fraenkel (1961) 364. 12 Catullus 42.4 (refuses to give me our notebook back). 13 Catullus 42.12 14 Fraenkel (1961) 363. 15 Newman (1990) 192. 16 Fraenkel (1961) 364. 17 Tatum (2007) 337.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Suspense Techniques Applied By Alfred Hitchcock Film Studies Essay
Suspense Techniques Applied By Alfred Hitchcock Film Studies Essay Suspense, horror, and creative are some of the words that describe Alfred Hitchcock s films. Something that no one had ever seen on screen was the techniques Hitchcock used. He was known as the master of suspense for his ways of manipulating and creating the sense of fear in the audience. Knowing the meaning of fear since childhood, he was believed to be the inventor of the suspense and horror genre in the film industry, improving movies with new technology and ideas to deliver exactly what he wanted to viewers to feel and understand. The film The Birds (1963) was a masterpiece and a thriller directed by Hitchcock that had many effective and brilliant techniques that are still used to this day. Alfred Hitchcock (August 13, 1899-April 29, 1980) was born and raised in a middle class family in London, England. Fear was the key emotion Hitchcock was very familiar with while growing up that played a huge part in the films he directed. At the tender age of five, his father sent him to a local police station many times after misbehaving and was put in jail for several minutes. The policeman returned to let him go, just to remind him that this is what naughty boys go though if they get into trouble. His mother would punish him by making him stand up at the foot of her bed for hours. Because of his overweight body figure, he stated that his childhood was very lonely and sheltered . He first went to school at St Ignatius College, but right after his dad died when Hitchcock was 14 years old, he went to the School of Engineering and Navigation, where he was fascinated by photography and film. His first job was working as a title-card creator for the film company Paramount Pictures. It took Hitchcock five years to become a film director. Being a perfectionist, Hitchcock would draw every single scene on his storyboard before shooting a film. This was one of his styles for which Hitchcock became famous. He was very dedicated to his art from the start of his career. Some techniques Hitchcock used were with the camera. The camera would capture shots that were made to build suspense so the audience can see something that the actors themselves don t see. An example of this technique being used was in The Birds. Melanie Daniels, the protagonist of the film, was sitting in front of a jungle gym smoking a cigarette. Black birds, which had attacked Melanie viciously earlier in the film, started gathering behind her, but she did not know, the viewers knew. This technique agitates the audience because something frightful can happen and we can do nothing to warn her. Knowing something that something bad can happen to an innocent makes the audience worried mixed with fear. Another technique he used was the subjective shot where th e camera was placed in the human eye perspective. The camera would stray around the setting or place mischievously looking for something unusual in a room, as if it is a detective itself. This allows the viewers to feel like they are involved in revealing the problem. Before sound films came out, the directors of films had to find a way to communicate to the audience what is the plot of the story, and Hitchcock used this technique even after sound films came out because it was so successful. He used this technique in The Birds. Perhaps the most suspenseful part of the movie was when Melanie was walking slowly up the stairs in the dark with a flashlight in her hand. The camera was put at Melanie s perspective, and we can see how frightening it can be to be in that position when we know that if she goes to the room on top of the stairs, the malicious birds will be there, waiting. The camera would start with a close-up of the actor, and then cut to the shot what they are seeing, and th en back to the actor to see his reaction. The sound of her footsteps was quiet, her breathing shallow, almost no sound was being heard. Finally, when she opened the door, she was attacked brutally. Suspense building was a major technique Hitchcock was famous for using. What we as humans find most horrendous is to know that nature can turn on us and that no place is safe. The Birds had several scenes where this technique was used, one of which was at a children s birthday party. The evil black birds came swooping down and started attacking the children, pecking until their flesh was open and bleeding. This behavior by the birds was unexplained; there was no answer as to why the birds were like this, which caused insecurity to the actors which is framed closely to show the emotion, therefore causing the audience to feel insecure also. The house was attacked during a night, windows were broken, doors were being pecked open, and the roof was being destroyed. At this point in the movie, the actors show deep concern about their safety and that their fear doesn t stop from the horror from coming, and the fear the viewers gain is exactly what Hitchcock was going for. Hitchcock s movies were planned to perfection. His ideas were sketched for every scene and chose his actors carefully that would break the clich or stereotype of people. He was well aware of what the audience was about to go through when they are watching the film, and this is what makes a great film director. Hitchcock wrote, produced, and directed films up until 1979. Despite his fondness for murder, chaos and shock, Alfred Hitchcock led a quiet life with his wife and daughter. In the last year of his life, Hitchcock was honored with the American Film Institutes lifetime achievement award. The master of suspense died in 1980 in Los Angeles, but his techniques are still alive today.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Punk :: essays research papers
Punk is the best. It rocks. And now, fjfdsl sdjfh dfhasdfh alhfasljkdh sdfhaskjh fahdsflkasjdh flksdahf lahdsflkjsadhf lkashdflkjasdhf lkadshflkjasdhflkahdskfhksdhfka dshfhsadlkfh lksadhflkasdhflkjhlkj hlkjf hlkjsdh flkjashlf kjlhdsafkj hlaskdjh fakjdshfl jdsf dbn dnasdf adsnfasdnfansdnfnadf nsadf nsdfnsadf ndsf nasdfnsdf nsdfnsadfnasdfansdf nsadfasdnf andsf sdnfasdnfn andsf nsdafand fnsadfnsdaf nasdf nsadfnsadfndsf nsadf nsadfnsdanf nsadfnasdf ansdf nasdf nasdfnsafnasdnf nasdfnasfnsfdan andsf snadfsandf nsadf nsadf sndf nasdfnd fnasfdnasfndf ansdf nsadf nsadfnsadfa ndsfsadf nasdf ansdf ansdf ansdf nsadf snadf asndf asndf ansdf nasdfndsaf sdnfndfa ndsf asndf ndasf ndsf ansdf andsf adasnf andsf nasdf nasdf sadnf ajdf fjasd fa. fjngsdjf gjsdf gsdmf gsfdg sfdjg jfdsg jf gjsdfgjsdgjsdfgjsfdjgfd g fd gndg ndsgsndgnsdgnsdg g nsg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg jnsdgsdf gj sfdg mnsg mnsg nmsdg ,nmdsg ,mndg ,mnsgd f g,dsfg sdnmg ,mnsdg ,smndg ,mndsg ,mnsg hbdvg bsgmdg mn sgmg smf gmfd mg gmgd mmnbsg mnbsmg mmgb gbmdgmng nbf gmnbg smnsdg g sbmnbg smfgb gfsgmnbg msgbgssgbngd g sbg mg gfbgfb gf mgsgbd dg gfbmbgsdmfg msfbg smdgsmg bf fjfdsl sdjfh dfhasdfh alhfasljkdh sdfhaskjh fahdsflkasjdh flksdahf lahdsflkjsadhf lkashdflkjasdhf lkadshflkjasdhflkahdskfhksdhfka dshfhsadlkfh lksadhflkasdhflkjhlkj hlkjf hlkjsdh flkjashlf kjlhdsafkj hlaskdjh fakjdshfl jdsf dbn dnasdf adsnfasdnfansdnfnadf nsadf nsdfnsadf ndsf nasdfnsdf nsdfnsadfnasdfansdf nsadfasdnf andsf sdnfasdnfn andsf nsdafand fnsadfnsdaf nasdf Punk is the best. It rocks. And now, fjfdsl sdjfh dfhasdfh alhfasljkdh sdfhaskjh fahdsflkasjdh flksdahf lahdsflkjsadhf lkashdflkjasdhf lkadshflkjasdhflkahdskfhksdhfka dshfhsadlkfh lksadhflkasdhflkjhlkj hlkjf hlkjsdh flkjashlf kjlhdsafkj hlaskdjh fakjdshfl jdsf dbn dnasdf adsnfasdnfansdnfnadf nsadf nsdfnsadf ndsf nasdfnsdf nsdfnsadfnasdfansdf nsadfasdnf andsf sdnfasdnfn andsf nsdafand fnsadfnsdaf nasdf nsadfnsadfndsf nsadf nsadfnsdanf nsadfnasdf ansdf nasdf nasdfnsafnasdnf nasdfnasfns fdan andsf snadfsandf nsadf nsadf sndf nasdfnd fnasfdnasfndf ansdf nsadf nsadfnsadfa ndsfsadf nasdf ansdf ansdf ansdf nsadf snadf asndf asndf ansdf nasdfndsaf sdnfndfa ndsf asndf ndasf ndsf ansdf andsf adasnf andsf nasdf nasdf sadnf ajdf fjasd fa. fjngsdjf gjsdf gsdmf gsfdg sfdjg jfdsg jf gjsdfgjsdgjsdfgjsfdjgfd g fd gndg ndsgsndgnsdgnsdg g nsg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg nsdg jnsdgsdf gj sfdg mnsg mnsg
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Sinking of the Titanic :: essays research papers
Introduction The R.M.S. Titanic sideswiped an iceberg at 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912. Estimated to be able to stay afloat for 2 days under the worst scenario, the ship sank in less than 3 hours [Gannon, 1995]. Main Cause for Sinking The iceberg created a 300-foot gash in the Titanic's hull above and below the waterline. Structural Errors That Accelerated the Sinking Steel brittleness Tests on Titanic's steel showed that the steel had high sulfur content, which increases the brittleness of steel by disrupting the grain structure [Hill, 1996]. This increase in brittleness contributed to the severity of the hull's damage. Titanic's steel showed high levels of oxygen, which leads to an increased ductile-to-brittle transition temperature. For Titanic's steel, that temperature was determined to be 25 to 35 degrees C [Hill, 1996]. The water temperature that night was below freezing. The wrought iron rivets that fastened the hull plates to the Titanic's main structure also failed because of brittle fracture during the collision with the iceberg. Low water temperatures contributed to this failure [Garzke and others, 1994]. Shipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Midsection Contributing to this failure in the midsection was the design of Titanic's huge spiral staircase. The staircase not only weakened the midsection's structure, but served as a means for water to pass up through the ship. As it filled with water, the bow submerged, raising the stern out of water. When the stern reached an angle of about 45 degrees, the stresses in the ship's midsection (15 tons per square inch) caused the steel to fail and the bow to rip loose and sink [Gannon, 1995]. Conpartments The lower section of the Titanic was divided into sixteen major watertight compartments. Actually, the compartments were watertight only in the horizontal direction--their tops were open. After the collision, six watertight compartments began filling with water. Soon, water spilled over the tops. Scientists have concluded that the watertight compartments contributed to the disaster by keeping the flood waters in the bow of the ship [Gannon, 1995]. If there had been no compartments, the incoming water would have spread out, and the Titanic would have likely remained afloat for another six hours. Human Errors that Accelerated the Sinking Captainà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mistake Captain E. J. Smith had not slowed the ship's speed that night, although the ship's wireless operators had received several ice warnings. The ship was moving at more than 22 knots. Crewà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mistake The sea was a "flat calm," a rarity for these waters.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Acoustics of Speech in Individuals Who Stutter
The Acoustics of Speech in Individuals who Stutter: Literature The Acoustics of Speech in Individuals who Stutter Introduction Research concerning acoustics in children who stutter, who have recovered from stuttering and adult stutterers shows that there is a lack of coherency in the data collected and reforms need to be made to the methods involved. The research that has been conducted on stuttering pertains mostly to the condition in children; stuttering is most prevalent in younger children and in most cases will be corrected by the later years of youth. Researchers working within the field are confronted by many problematic factors when both conducting their research and specifically in analysing data. Diverse methods of data compilation and independent methods of interpretation mean that what one scientists concludes from an experiment may not support established theories and existing information on the subject. It can be assumed that analysis of acoustics in stuttering needs to be done with a specific framework that all researchers can work from. Issues like the diagnosis of stuttering complexes from mild, moderate and severe; the focus on frequency changes; and subtyping have all been encountered and brought up for review by researchers who wish to have a more fully rounded database from which to study stuttering in all its forms. A review of literature on the subject exposes many difficulties within the field of research and offers suggestions on how these might be addressed and overcome. Once a basic premise for observation, study and analysis is reached, the database will be much more comprehensive and useful to future research. Literature Review Acoustic analysis is the foundation to stuttering research conducted by many different scientists and scholars; the ways in which this research is conducted vary, however, and therefore can produce subsequently varied results and different ways of looking at stuttering itself. Some researchers are of the opinion that stuttering is heavily influenced by the actual perception of listeners, and that though analysis of reaction and perception of acoustics in stutterers it is possible to more fully comprehend those characteristics of speech that are a part of the disorder (Amir, Yairi). Through analysis of speech patterns in preschool aged children, the researchers concluded that interval duration in speech patterns must exceed 70 ms to be considered normal speech; under 50 ms interval duration was therefore attributed to stutterers. Some researchers have taken acoustic analysis to a new level with the use of the computer as a more failsafe analytical tool; due to a lack of specific acoustic parameters by which to classify stuttering the computer offers a more solid foundation for diagnosis and treatment (Brosch, Hage, Johannsen). Research conducted by these authors was inconclusive because of a lack of cohesive data on the subject, however it is their belief that with further study one might better understand the correlations between specific acoustics and the different stages of stuttering. The primary factor thought to be attributed to stuttering in different stages is age. Chang, Ohde and Conture believe that it is a disorganization of specific factors of speech, in particular the transition rate of speech formation, that can be cited as a precursor to stuttering. This research is key to the development of tuttering studies because currently there are very little data or theoretical models to explain the conditions that lead to stuttering in children. Through acoustic analysis not only of children and adults who currently stutter, but the acoustic analysis of children who will later develop a stutter, these researchers believe that more will be understood about the progression of the disorder and subsequen tly the treatment methods themselves. Given the generalities of much stuttering data, it has been concluded that subtyping of the disorder would help greatly with further research and the uture specialization of treatments and diagnoses (Yairi). In this case, the acoustic analysis carried out by researchers would be made very specific and varied: attention would be paid to transition rates, vowel duration, particularities of speech disfluency and other inconsistencies attributed to stuttering. Yairi’s research has yet to lead to subtypes of the disorder, however the belief remains that through more acoustic analysis, enough data will be gathered to start separating the disorder into more than one general field. Frequency changes and second formant transitions in reschool children who stutter persistently and who have recovered from the condition show general differences in speech patterns between the two groups. Most poignant was the fact that the research showed frequency ch anges in persistent stutterers were discreet while the recovery group showed marked frequency changes (Subramanian, Yairi, Amir). Research such as this helps to support Yairi’s theory that subtyping may be useful in the field. Along these lines, Armson and Kalinowski pointed out the difficulties in performing acoustic analysis on stutterers when the condition itself may be changing the data. These researchers feel that to properly assess acoustic data they must learn how to separate those factors out which cause stuttering, and which are inherent in individuals only after one has begun to stutter. The acoustics of one individual in a pre-stuttering state might show related frequencies and vowel duration, as well as the same speech rate and consonant-vowel repetitions to that of a stutterer; the researchers maintain, however, that the cognitive functions of one who stutters might be significantly different that that of an individual who does not stutter but will later develop the disorder. Cognitive and acoustic factors of stuttering are currently inextricable from those of the prestutterer, and until these can be separated the data gathered on the subject will remain generalized and of less value than it might be. As well as this, information on acoustics must be analyzed both during the stutter and during normal speech in the same individual. Paden, Abrose and Yairi studied the phonological acoustics of stutterers and non-stutterers to ascertain whether there were any significant differences between the two groups. Through the observation of children over a two-year span, attention was paid to not only current differences in the phonological skills of the children but the changes in those skill levels over time. They found that the phonological skill level of children who had recovered from stuttering were markedly higher than that of children who currently stutter; over the course of two years, however, the skill levels were developed and no significant difference could be shown. Flipsen Jr. , Hammer and Yost point out that perhaps the major flaw in the field is the fact that Clinicians are esponsible for identifying stuttering cases and labelling them either mild, moderate or severe. This means that Clinicians must rely on their own individual acoustic analysis to interpret the severity of stuttering case by case, and in doing so are likely to be inconsistent. Personal analysis of the acoustics of several different individuals who stutter means that although analysis is based on regimented di sfluency factors, such as vowel duration and frequency, relying solely on acoustic interpretation though listening cannot be scientifically sound. The researchers propose that a better method must be contrived in a study that supports Brosch, Hage and Johanssen’s computer analysis theory. In keeping with the idea that research on stuttering must be more specialized, Louis, Myers, Faragasso, Townsend and Gallagher have studied a particular disorder that is often attributed to stutterers but which they insist is a different disorder. Cluttering is an irregularity that has to do with the rate of speech: people with this condition will either speak more rapidly than normal or they will have inconsistencies in the rate of speech. While many researchers will have cluttering placed in the same field as stuttering, Louis (et al) believes that it is generalizations like this that cripple the scientific community. Acoustic analysis of cluttered speakers shows clearly that the condition is not the same as stuttering: while stuttering has a more clustered effect on the phonemes of speech, cluttering is less specific to certain vowel and consonant groups. Gohinho, Ingham, Davidow and Cotton have discovered that in treatment of stuttering, the reduction of short-deviation phonetic intervals has a direct affect on the condition. Acoustic analysis of normal stuttering and manipulated speech in normal stutterers suggested that phonetic interval distribution in the two speech groups were generally different; this theory was inconclusive. In terms of treatment, however, it has been useful and is thought to offer new possibilities in treatment procedures. Ingham, Fox, Ingham, Xiong, Zamarripa, Hardies and Lancaster conducted their own research based on gender differences between stutterers. Data were collected in terms both of acoustics and of cerebral blood flow in adults. While females are more likely to recover from stuttering in childhood and males are generally more susceptible to the condition, this research found that the stages of recovery were not significantly different between the gender groups. The researchers concluded that chronic stuttering was related to abnormal speech-motor and auditory region interactions. Healey and Ramig conducted research into stuttering that was specific to treatment, specifically treatment length and its effect on differing severities of the condition. Acoustic analysis of patients undergoing treatment showed that the severity of each case made no significant difference to recovery and the transition from one level to another; similarly treatment time made no difference in the progression and recovery of stutterers. Max and Caruso also explored treatment options, finding that fluency adaptation through the process of repeating specific readings was improved over other methods of treatment. With specific phonological aspects in the readings, designed to ontain certain phrases and vowel-consonant groups that give stutterers trouble normally, these were given to treatment patients to repeat until any changes were observed in speech patterns. Repetition treatments have traditionally very popular and due to their superiority over many other methods these treatments continue to dominate in the field. Specific study of the different aspects of language and acoustics means that a scenario for stuttering can be pieced together slowly and fo rmed of many different speech parts as well as cerebral and other physical data (Natke, Grosser, Sandrieser, Kalveram). Research into the effect of stressed syllables within speech and stuttering was conducted with reference to the length of such syllables. Natke and his colleagues hypothesized that stressed syllables were responsible for stuttering in many individuals, and studies proved that these were indeed catalysts for stuttering in most cases. Whether or not duration of stressed syllables has anything to do with disfluency is not yet apparent. Currently, Yaruss believes, no correlation can be drawn between utterance rates and response time latency. His own research explored these and consequently still was not supportive of the theory that conversational speaking rates were actually related to response time latency. He does believe that if more research were conducted into this area, a correlation would indeed be found; inadequate methods of acoustic analysis are cited as the reason why hypotheses such as these remain unproven. In Yairi’s response to the criticisms of Wingate on his theories of diversity in the field of acoustic study, he asserts that there are many different ways to study stuttering and that these varying methods should be valued. Wingate proposes, like many scholars, that there should only be one method of study so that subsequent data compilations are relevant to one another and more easily formed into future subdivisions of the disorder. While Yairi does not dispute the value of specialization within the field for the sake of greater knowledge and better treatment plans, he does maintain that a fundamental diversity among researchers is a positive attribute. In terms of acoustic analysis, this means that the lack of cohesion between existing research would persist. Evaluation of Published Research and Conclusions Overwhelmingly, researchers in the specific linguistic field that study stuttering and its related conditions are asking for continuity in research methods and data organization. While independent researchers and study groups might be able to find their own way of cultivating date, studying acoustics of stutterers, non-stutterers and recovering stutterers and interpreting this data, it is essentially of no use to the rest of the field unless aspects of the study can be repeated. Researchers like Brosche, Hage and Johanssen are particularly forward thinking in their approach to acoustic analysis, because unlike so many of their colleagues they are not continuing to rely on what they believe to be inferior techniques. The use of computer analysis in terms of stuttering acoustics not only means that a discrepancy between professionals can be ruled out in the future but that further information can be gathered concerning speech patterns that are undistinguishable to the unaided ear. Yairi is also correct when he says that there is more than one way to study stuttering. If all researchers relied on exactly the same techniques then no breakthroughs could be expected in the field; despite this fact most acoustic analysts who wish to better understand stuttering simply want a basic framework upon which to base their own studies and interpret the results of others. If a certain degree of flexibility could be maintained in acoustic analysis while certain fundamental factors were incorporated, researchers would be in a better position to interpret and present their own results in relation to the work of colleagues. Factors that might feature in each research project might nclude vowel duration, second formant transition, conversational speed and other specific disfluency forms. By using these factors in all research related to stuttering, whether the study is based on such factors or not, will mean that although two research projects might be based on completely different theories the results can still be comparatively put together. If one research projec t focuses on brain activity and blood flow during stuttered speech, and another focuses on frequency, results may still have relevance to one another because of the use of basic acoustic analysis. Coherency is needed in this field of research so that results and future treatments are made clearer. Implementing basic acoustic analyses in every research project will help to form a stuttering database that can be referenced by every researcher. Reference List Amir, O. , Yairi, E. (2002). The effect of temporal manipulation on the perception of disfluencies as normal or stuttering. Journal of Communication Disorders, vol. 35, 63-82. Armson, J. , Kalinowski, J. (1994). Interpreting results of the fluency speech paradigm in stuttering research: Difficulties in separating cause from effect. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, vol. 37, 69-82. Brosch, S. , Hage, A. , Johanseen, H. (2002). Prognostic indicators for stuttering: the value of computer-based speech analysis. Brain and Language, vol. 82, 75-86. Chang, S. , Ohde, R. , Conture, E. , (2002). Coarticulation and Formant Transition Rate in Children who Stutter. Vanderbilt University. Flipsen Jr. , P. , Hammer, J. , Yost, K. (2005). Measuring Severity of Involvement in Speech Delay: Segmental and Whole Word Measures. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, vol. 14, 298-312. Godinho, T. , Ingham, R. , Davidow, J. , Cotton, J. (2006). The Distribution of Phonated Intervals in Individuals who Stutter. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, vol. 49, 161- 171. Healey, E. , Ramig, P. (1989). The Relationship of Stuttering Severity and Treatment Length to Temporal Measures of Stutterers’ Perceptually Fluent Speech. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, vol. 54, 313-319. Ingham, R. , Fox, P. , Ingham, J. , Xiong, J. , Zamarippa, F. , Hardies, L. , Lancaster, J. (2004). Brain Correlates of Stuttering and Syllable Production: Gender Comparisons and Replication. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, vol. 47, 321- 341. Louis, K. Myers, F. , Faragosso, K. , Townsend, P. , Gallaher, A. (2004). Perceptual Aspects of Cluttered Speech. Journal of Fluency Disorders, vol. 29, 213-235. Max, L. , Caruso, A. , (1998). Adaptation of Stuttering Frequency During Repeated Readings: Associated Changes in Acoustic Parameters of Perceptually Fluent Speech. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, vo l. 41, 1265-1281. Natke, U. , Grosser, J. , Sandrieser, P. , Kalveram, K. (2002). The Duration Effect of the Stress Component in Stuttering. Journal of Fluency Disorders, vol. 27, 305-318. TermPaper? Blog. com Paden, E. Ambrose, N. , Yairi, E. (2001). Phonological progress during the first 2 years of stuttering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Subramanian, A. , Yairi, E. , Amir, O. (2003). Second formant transitions in fluent speech of persistent and recovered preschool children who stutter. Journal of Communication Disorders, vol. 36, 59-75. Yairi, E. (2001). Letters to the Editor. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, vol. 44, 585-597. Yairi, E. (2007). Subtyping Stuttering I: A Review. Journal of Fluency Disorders, vol. 32, 165-196. Yaruss, J. (1997). Utterance Timing and Childhood Stuttering. Elsevier Science.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Startegic Analysis (Sherwin Williams)
The Sherwin-Williams Company SHW (NYSE) Strategic Analysis â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- SWOT ANALYSIS StrengthsWeaknesses Strong financial performanceHigh debt to equity ratio Wide product portfolioIncrease in current liabilities Strong market presence OpportunitiesThreats Global demand for coatings market Consolidation in chemical industry Opening new storesForeign exchange risks Strategic acquisitionEnvironmental regulations The Sherwin-Williams Company is viewed as one of the leading paint manufacturing and retailing companies in the US. Some of their key strengths are a strong market presence, wide product portfolio, and strong financial performance. Some major areas of concern are a high debt to equity ratio and increasing current liabilities. Going forward, the risks associated with foreign exchange risk, environmental regulations, and consolidation in chemical industry may impede its business growth. However, ample growth opportunities for the company are obtainable through strategic acquisition, opening new stores and increasing global market for coatings. Strengths: Strong financial performance FY2010 reflected an impressive financial performance for the company. They registered total revenue of US$7,776. 42 million in the FY2010, up 9. 62% on an annual basis from US$7,094. 25 million in the FY2009. The increase in revenue was principally due to the acquisition of two industrial wood finishes businesses(Sayerlack and Becker Acroma). These two acquisitions increased revenues for FY2010 by more than US$440 million. Also, their operating profit increased by 8. 82% from US$622. 82 million in the FY2009, to US$677. 78 million in the FY2010. Simultaneously, the company net income increase by 6. 11% to US$462. 49 million in the FY2010 from US$435. 5 million in the FY2009. Based on such strong financial performance, the company can aggressively pursue its growth and expansion plans. Wide product portfolio Having a broad business portfolio helps the company to serve the diverse needs of its customer base. Sherwin-Williams develops, produces, distributes and retails paints, coatings and related products. They also produce paints, stains, painting tools and equipments for a wide variety of customers such as residential and commercial builders, architectural and industrial painting contractors, property owners and managers. Their portfolio includes products for their Paint Stores group segment, Consumer Group segment, and the Global Finishes Group segment. In addition to its merchandise offerings, it also provides painting related services such as color sampling, wood finishing systems and services, inventory management and equipment repairs. This broad product portfolio has allowed them to obtain a higher market share and increase their revenues. Strong market presence A strong market position allows them to attract a huge customer base, ensuring strong top-line performance. Sherwin-Williams is one of leading manufacturers in the coating industry in the US. In Europe, their subsidiaries, Sayerlack and Becker Acroma are recognized as the leading coating companies. Another subsidiary, Pinturas Condor is the largest paint and coatings company in Ecuador. The company offers a wide portfolio of market leading brands such as Sherwin-Williams, ProMar, SuperPaint, A-100, Duron, PrepRite, Duration, Master Hide, ProClassic, Classic 99, MAB, Columbia and ExpressTech. Such a strong market presence of the company helps it to generate increased demand for its offerings, driving the revenue. Weaknesses: High debt to equity ratio This ratio may place the company in a risky position in paying off its high interests. Their debt to equity ratio was 70. 12 in the FY2010, which was much higher than Chemicals – Commodity industry’s average debt to equity ratio of 29. 91. The increased debt to equity ratio was due to 27. 79% annual increase in debt, from US$817. 61 million at the end of the FY2009 to US$1,044. 79 million at the end of the FY2010. This higher debt to equity ratio compared to the industry may indicate that the company’s poor ability to meet its obligations, which in turn may affect its business operations. Increase in current liabilities Substantial increase in current liabilities weakened the company’s liquidity position. Its current liabilities were US$2,063. 94 million at the end of FY2010, a 48. 09% increase compared to the previous year. However, its current assets recorded a marginal increase of 25. 07% – from US$1,770. 02 million at the end of FY2009 to US$2,213. 72 million at the end of FY2010. Following this, the company’s current ratio declined from 1. 27 at the end of the FY2009 to 1. 07 at the end of FY2010. A lower current ratio indicates that the company is in a weak financial position, and it may find it difficult to meet its day-to-day obligations. Opportunities: Global demand for coatings market The growing market for global coatings will certainly benefit the company. Market analysts expect the global coatings market to reach US$98. 69 billion by 2015. This expected increase is primarily due to economic activity, rapid industrialization, and increasing demand from automotive and construction sectors in developing countries. The Asian market is also forecast to increase at a compounded annual growth rate of 4. 2% through 2015. Being a manufacturer of paints and coatings, the company can tap this growing market. Opening new stores The company’s expansion plans of new stores will attract huge customer base. During the FY2010, the company’s Paint Group segment opened 49 new stores, of which 40 in the US, six in Canada, two in Trinidad and one in Jamaica. Also, during the FY2001, the company increased its total stores to 3,390 compared to 3,354 in the FY2009. For FY2011, the company is planning to open 50 to 60 new stores. This expansion plan will provide competitive edge over its peers in the industry. Strategic acquisition Their focus on expanding its global presence will provide further growth opportunities. As an example, the company acquired Becker Industrial Products AB in September 2010, one of the largest manufacturers of industrial wood coatings globally. Becker Acroma operates nine manufacturing facilities, 19 mixing sites and 13 technical centers around the world. This acquisition will allow them to expand its quality products and customer service while also strengthening its growing global platform to better serve customers around the world with outstanding technology, assets, and people. Strategic acquisitions such as this will enhance the company’s global expansion, ensuring top-line performance. Threats: Consolidation in chemical industry Merger and acquisition activities in the chemical industry could present a potential threat. The global chemical M&A deals are expected to be more active in 2011. In the first three quarters of 2010, total global chemical M&A transactions amounted to US$32 billion, which was higher than full year 2009 value of US$25. 4 billion. Sherwin-Williams may face competition from its peers, which are financially and operationally stronger, apart from becoming a target of such M&A deals. Foreign exchange risks Because they operate in many parts of the world, they are exposed to the fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. Their business operations are conducted in many currencies worldwide. Significant part of its revenue is denominated in other currencies such as the Russian Ruble, Euro, Brazil Real, Chile peso, and Japan Yen, among others. Although the company has forward currency contracts, there can be no assurance that such hedging activities or measures will significantly limit the impact of movements in exchange rates on the company’s results of operations. As a result, a loss of US$3. 82 million and US$2. 84 million was reports in FY2010 and FY2009 respectively, due to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. If the same scenario occurs, the company’s business and results of operations may be adversely affected. Environmental regulations These regulations may be affected by the environmental regulations governing the global chemical industry. REACH (Registration Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) is an example of the stringent environmental regulations that are set to affect chemical producers. REACH regulates the products manufactured and marketed in Europe by mandating that all companies develop and submit dossiers containing datasets about their chemical products and detail their potential impact and risk on environment. This could be a challenge while launching a new product as it is a time-consuming and expensive process. It could also result in phasing out many existing chemicals from the market, which may be regarded as toxic and hazardous. REACH directly applies to over 30,000 different chemical substances that are produced or sold in Europe and its implementation is expected to cost European chemical industry about US$3 billion. Regulations for other countries are expected to follow the same model. Similar regulations have already been implemented in the US with the reform of Toxic Substances Control Act. Such stringent environmental regulations could affect both existing and new products for the company. KEY PERSONNEL Christopher M. Connor, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer Since 2000, ? Age 54 Mr. Connor has been the Chairman of the company, since 2000 and has also been the Chief Executive Officer since 1999. From 2005 to 2006, he served as the President of the company and was the vice chairman from 1999 to 2000. He served as the President, Paint Stores Group of Sherwin-Williams from 1997 to 1999. He is also a Director of Eaton Corporation and National City Corporation. John G. Morikis, Chief Operating Officer, President Since 2006, ? Age 47 Mr. Morikis has been the President and the Chief Operating Officer of the company, since 2006. Prior to this, he served as the President, Paint Stores Group from 1999 to 2006. He joined the company in December 1984. Sean P. Hennessy, Chief Financial Officer – Finance, Senior Vice President Since 2002, ? Age 53 Mr. Hennessy has been the Chief Financial Officer the company, since 2002. He has also been the Senior Vice President – Finance of the company, since August 2001. Mr. Hennessy joined the company in September 1984. CORPORATE CULTURE AND SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS/RESPONSIBILITIES Corporate Culture Sherwin Williams has a positive corporate culture and through education assistance is willing to give its employees the skills to become what they would like to be. Additionally they have excellent training that is provided in a scheduled manner to make sure that everyone has the up to date information. They also have cutting edge technology that facilitates the sales process. Sherwin-Williams has been recognized among Fortune Magazine's 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2005, 2006, and 2008. Seven core values drive their culture and guide Sherwin-Williams as a team and as a company. These values are Integrity, People, Service, Quality, Performance, Innovation and Growth. The company ensures that these values are reflected in their people, their products, and their business practices and relationships. They also provide opportunities for advancement. More than 90% of placements into managerial and professional positions in the Paint Stores Group come from within the company. Over 700 college recruits are hired every year into their Management/Sales Training Program and receive training in different divisions and functions. Sherwin-Williams is also well respected for their benefits package. Is considered one of the best in the business. Besides the common short-term benefits like health and dental insurance, they also offer benefits that grow over a lifetime. They offer: * Health ; Dental Insurance * Group Life ; Accidental Death ; Dismemberment Insurance * Supplemental Life Insurance * Voluntary Personal Accident Insurance Disability Insurance (Short ; Long-term) * Matching 401(k) and Pension Programs * Vacation and Holidays * Employee Discount Program * Tuition Aid * Adoption Assistance Societal Expectations Sherwin-Williams believes that it is their calling to manufacture and market innovative products while still operating a safe, clean and friendly workplace and observing the highest ethical standards in business. In 2009, they presented their first, Corporate Social Responsibility Report  a report that demonstrated the actions behind their beliefs. To them, Corporate Social Responsibility means to act in a way that reduces their impact on the world around us. They believe they have the most comprehensive line of environmentally responsible products. They also have a number of other brands sold around the world that seek to reduce their impact on the environment. Sherwin-Williams believes it’s important to participate in healthy discussions  and create action plans  with input from those around them. That is why they are actively engaged with government agencies and industry organizations that value sustainable practices as much as they do. Some of these agencies are: * U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Leaders Program * National Paint ; Coatings Association Coatings Care Program * CLEARCorps National Lead Extraction Program * EPA Smart Ways Fuel Efficient Transportation Program * U. S. Green Building Council * National Association of Home Builders  Green Building Council In July 2008, Sherwin-Williams launched EcoVision, an internal company-wide initiative that challenges every employee to look for and implement ways to reduce the company’s impact on the environment. The programs mission is to assist Sherwin-Williams to be recognized as a leader in the development of sustainable processes, product and activities that are profitable, preserve natural resources, and contribute to social improvement. Their contribution to social improvement has been demonstrated through The Sherwin-Williams Foundation. In 2007, the Foundation launched the Sherwin-Williams Grant, a $50,000 cash award given annually to a charity committed to either children’s health or educational programs that lead to economic independence.
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